Monday, May 30, 2011

Ditemukan, Kuburan Ratu Mesir Misterius

Ditemukan, Kuburan Ratu Mesir Misterius Maret 6, 2010

Posted by Qolam_v in Budaya & Wisata, Do You Know?, Internasional.
( Arkeolog Prancis menemukan kamar pekuburan seorang ratu misterius bernama Ratu Behenu dari Kerajaan Kuno Mesir lebih dari 4.000 tahun lalu.
Penemuan itu diumumkan arkeolog Prancis, Rabu 3 Maret 2010.

Pekuburan Saqqara di luar kota Kairo tersebut menghasilkan serangkaian penemuan baru saat 10 tim berbeda menggali wilayah pekuburan yang belum pernah tersentuh peneliti ini. Pekuburan itu digunakan selama lebih dari 2 ribu tahun hingga zaman Romawi.
Tim Prancis yang diketuai Philippe Collombert mengatakan, mumi Ratu Behenu telah hancur, tetapi ruang pekuburan tersebut berisi hieroglif hijau yang tertulis di atas batu putih yang disebut “Pyramid Texts.”
“Kami senang karena naskah-naskah itu terlindungi,” kata Collombert pada Associated Press, seraya menambahkan bahwa gelar ratu tertulis di dinding ruang kuburan setinggi 10×5 meter di dalam piramida kecil ratu tersebut. Naskah itu terutama berisi doa untuk melindungi jenazah ratu dan transisinya ke kehidupan setelah mati.
Collombert menyebut ratu itu misterius karena tidak diketahui apakah dia adalah istri Raja Pepi I atau II, dua firaun yang lama berkuasa dari Dinasti Keenam. Di bawah dinasti tersebut, periode Kerajaan Kuno Mesir berakhir. Piramida-piramida dari periode tersebut sebagian besar terkonsentrasi di Saqqara
Menurut Collombert, para peneliti bekerja di area tersebut sejak 1988 dan telah mengungkap tujuh piramida milik ratu-ratu dari dinasti keenam, tetapi piramida milik Ratu Behenu merupakan satu-satunya piramida dengan naskah doa tertulis di dindingnya.
sumber : vivanews

Dia pernah mencintaimu . . .

Dia pernah mencintaimu . . .

Posted on 4:37 AM by ♥ LA TAHZAN
“Alangkah teringinnya di hatiku andai aku berpeluang bertemu dengan saudara-saudaraku,” ujar Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

Suasana hening di pinggiran perkuburan al-Baqi’. Merenung tempat semadi para mukminin yang telah pergi, dan pasti Baginda juga akan menyertai mereka, seperti kita semua.

“Bukankah kami ini juga saudara-saudaramu wahai utusan Allah?” para sahabat melontarkan soalan.


Jika Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam merindukan saudara-saudaranya, apakah ada saudara yang lain selain mereka, para sahabat?

“Kalian adalah sahabatku. Ada pun saudara-saudaraku yang kumaksudkan, mereka adalah orang-orang beriman yang belum ada!” jawab Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


Mencintai insan yang belum ada.

Seandainya seorang anak muda, termenung sedih di jendela angan-angan, runsing menanggung rindu kepada bakal isteri, yang orangnya belum ada… itu sudah menjadi satu kegilaan. Di luar kebiasaan. Perlukan rawatan.

Tetapi tidakkah Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam juga mengungkapkan cinta yang di luar kebiasaan itu? Kematian yang pasti, menjadikan Baginda pasti bahawa peluang untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang beriman di masa-masa mendatang itu mustahil. Tidak kiralah bagaimana rupa mereka, di mana mereka berada, bagaimana keadaannya. Cukup sekadar mengetahui bahawa mereka itu beriman, malah beriman tanpa pernah bertemu dengannya, sudah menyuburkan rasa cinta.

Cinta luar biasa.

Cinta yang menjadikan Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam itu berkorban segala-galanya. Cinta itulah yang melimpah dan terus melimpah, hingga kamu yang hidup 1000 tahun selepas pemergiannya, biar sesudut Ceruk Tok Kun sekali pun beradanya kamu, tiada rumah yang tidak diketuk cinta Nabi.


Tiga hari Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam tidak mampu hadir berjamaah dengan kekasih-kekasih Baginda di masjid. Sakit kepala dan demam baginda semakin menjadi-jadi.

Subuh Isnin, 12 Rabi’ul Awwal tahun ke 11H,

Tatkala Abu Bakr radhiyallaahu ‘anhu membetulkan saf untuk mengimamkan solat, Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam menyelak tabir yang memisahkan bilik Baginda dan ruang solat di Masjid.

“Sungguh takjub. Wajah Baginda seperti lembaran mushaf. Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam semasa memerhatikan kami, Baginda tersenyum dan ketawa kecil. Kami terlalu gembira melihat wajah itu. Abu Bakr sendiri berundur kerana menyangkakan Baginda mahu mengimamkan solat kami. Tetapi Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mengisyaratkan agar kami memula dan menyempurnakan solat,” kata Anas bin Malik, Radhiyallahu ‘anhu.

Wajah itu mengubat rindu mereka.

Tiga hari yang hilang warna dan sepi.

Tabir dilabuhkan dan kaum Muslimin meneruskan solat.

Senyuman Baginda itu penuh cinta dan kasih. Senyuman yang kaya dengan kepuasan melihat kaum Muslimin.

Sangka mereka itu senyum kesembuhan.

Rupa-rupanya ia adalah senyuman perpisahan…

Dhuha Isnin, 12 Rabi’ul Awwal tahun ke-11 Hijriah, Kekasih Allah itu pulang ke Teman Tingginya.

“Fee al-Rafeeq al-A’laa, Fee al-Rafeeq al-A’laa...” Baginda menghulurkan telunjuk kirinya ke langit.

“Kembali ke Teman yang Maha Tinggi, Kembali ke Teman yang Maha Tinggi” bibir itu lesu menuturkan sebuah pemergian.

Tangan itu rebah terkulai.

Basah dalam bejana air.

Seperti air mata sekalian umat yang ditinggalkannya.

Baginda wafat dalam jiwa yang penuh kasih sayang. Jiwa yang terselit di lubuk hatinya sebuah kerinduan.

Merindui saudara-saudaranya.




Bertepukkah tanganmu menyambut cinta yang agung itu?

Cintakah kamu kepada Pencinta yang agung itu?

Hati kecil itu tidak mampu berbohong.

Engkau tahu di mana cinta itu di hatimu….

“Tidak sempurna iman sesiapa di kalangan kamu sehinggalah diriku lebih dikasihinya berbanding kasih kepada orang tuanya dan anak bahkan sekalian manusia” [riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasa’ie dan Ibn Majah]

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Demokrasi Agama?

Demokrasi Agama?

Diposting pada Sabtu, 06-11-2010 | 13:19:01 WIB

Demokrasi adalah sebuah kata-kata yang menjadi pertentangan seluruh aktivis Islam hari ini, bermacam-macam tafsiran tentang demokrasi disuguhkan bagai hidangan, namun pada intinya semua aktivis Islam sepakat tentang demokrasi, bahwa demokrasi adalah produk orang-orang kafir dan bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Ada sebagian kecil yang menyebut demokrasi adalah syuro seperti dalam Islam namun ini terbantahkan juga. Adanya beberapa kemiripan di sebuah system yang bertentangan bukan berarti system itu sama. Satu sisi kebaikan tidak mungkin bisa untuk menghukumi semua sisi itu baik, apalagi sebuah system yang sangat berbeda dengan manusia.
Namun  sampai hari ini masih ada sekelompok orang yang masih ngeyel bahwa demokrasi bukanlah agama tapi sebuah kendaraan menuju masyarakat madani atau menuju masyarakat yang bersyariat Islam, lalu benarkah demokrasi adalah agama, mari kita buktikan dengan dalil-dalil dari Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah .
Demokrasi adalah Agama.
Di dalam dalil-dalil Al-Qura’an dan As-Sunnah atau di kitab-kitab para ‘ulama ahlus Sunnah memang tidak pernah disebutkan dengan jelas kata-kata demokrasi karena di zaman Rasulullah kata-kata ini belum dikenal dan masih asing, namun hal ini tidak menjadikan kita tertipu dan terperosok ke dalam jebakannya.
Dalam memahami demokrasi harus kita kembalikan ke dalam permasalahan pokok keislaman seseorang yaitu iman. Iman adalah ikrar yang menjadikan seseorang itu disebut Muslim dan yang menjadikan dia berbeda dengan orang-orang kafir yang walaupun mereka beramalan baik dimata dunia, tanpa iman semua itu tidak berarti apapun.
Dan dasar dari keimanan seseorang adalah seperti yang Allah SWT firmankan dalam Al-Qur’an mulia :
“Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-Ku.” (QS. Adz-Dzriyaat: 56)
“Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus rasul pada tiap-tiap umat (untuk menyerukan): Sembahlah Allah (saja), dan jauhilah Thaghut itu.” (QS. An-Nahl: 36)
“Telah jelas rusydu dari ghayy, karena itu barangsiapa ingkar kepada thaghut dan beriman kepada Allah, maka sesungguhnya dia telah berpegang kepada buhul tali yang amat kuat yang tidak akan putus.” (QS. Al-Baqarah : 256)
“Dan orang-orang yang menjauhi thaghut (yaitu) tidak menyembahnya dan kembali kepada Allah, bagi mereka berita gembira, sebab itu sampaikan berita itu kepada hamba-hamba-Ku.” (QS. Az-Zumar: 17)
Ayat-ayat diatas adalah perintah Allah SWT kepada manusia setelah mereka beriman untuk menjauhi segala macam ketaatan dan ketundukkan kepada selain Allah SWT yang dalam al-Qur’an disebut sebagai thoghut. Maka tidak sah iman seseorang sebelum mereka mengkafirkan dan berlepas diri dari semua millah, manhaj dan aqidah selain Islam.
Termasuk kategori thaghut adalah setiap orang yang memposisikan dirinya sebagai musyarri' (pembuat hukum dan perundang-undangan) bersama Allah, baik dia itu sebagai pemimpin atau rakyat, baik dia itu sebagai wakil rakyat dalam lembaga legislatif atau orang yang diwakilinya dari kalangan orang-orang yang memilihnya (ikut pemilu), karena dengan perbuatan itu dia telah melampaui batas yang telah Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala ciptakan baginya, sebab dia itu diciptakan sebagai hamba Allah, dan Tuhannya memerintahkan dia untuk tunduk berserah diri kepada syari'at-Nya, namun dia enggan, malah menyombongkan diri dan melampaui batas-batas Allah SWT, dia justru ingin menjadikan dirinya sebagai tandingan bagi Allah dan menyekutui-Nya dalam wewenang tasyri' (penetapan hukum dan perundang-undangan) yang padahal hal itu tidak boleh dipalingkan selain kepada Allah SWT dan barangsiapa melakukan hal itu maka dia telah menjadikan dirinya sebagai ilaah musyarri' (tuhan yang membuat hukum), sedangkan orang seperti ini tidak diragukan lagi merupakan bagian dari ru'uusuth thawaghiit (pentolan-pentolan thaghut) yang di mana Tauhid dan Islam seseorang tidak sah sehingga dia kafir kepada thaghut itu, menjauhinya, serta bara'ah (berlepas diri) dari para penyembahnya dan para bala tentaranya.
Allah SWT berfirman:
Mereka hendak berhakim kepada thaghut, padahal mereka telah diperintah mengingkari thaghut itu." (QS. An-Nisa': 60)
Imam Mujahidrahimahullah berkata: “Thaghut adalah setan berbentuk manusia yang di mana manusia merujuk hukum kepadanya, sedangkan dia adalah yang memegang kendali mereka”.
Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyahrahimahullah berkata: “Oleh sebab itu orang yang memutuskan hukum dengan selain Kitabullah yang dimana dia itu menjadi rujukan hukum dia itu dinamakan thaghut”.
Imam Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah berkata: “Thaghut adalah segala sesuatu yang dilampaui batasnya oleh si hamba, baik dia itu yang disembah, atau yang diikuti, atau yang ditaati, sehingga thaghut setiap kaum adalah orang yang mereka jadikan sebagai rujukan hukum selain Allah dan Rasul-Nya, atau yang mereka sembah selain Allah, atau yang mereka ikuti tanpa ada landasan dalil dari Allah, atau orang yang mereka taati dalam hal yang tidak mereka ketahui bahwa itu adalah bentuk ketaatan kepada Allah”.
Beliau berkata lagi: “Siapa yang merujuk hukum atau mengadukan perkara hukum kepada selain apa yang telah dibawa oleh Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam maka berarti dia itu telah merujuk hukum dan mengadukan perkara hukum kepada thaghut”.
Dan di antara macam thaghut yang disembah selain Allah SWT pada zaman sekarang, dan yang menjadi kewajiban atas setiap Muwahhid untuk kafir kepadanya dan berlepas diri darinya serta dari para pengikutnya supaya dia bisa berpegang kepada al 'urwatul wutsqa dan selamat dari api neraka ialah tuhan-tuhan palsu dan arbaab-arbaab maz’um yang telah dijadikan oleh banyak manusia sebagai syurakaa musyarri'iin (sekutu-sekutu yang membuat hukum dan perundang-undangan) selain Allah SWT
"Apakah mereka mempunyai sembahan-sembahan selain Allah yang mensyariatkan untuk mereka agama yang tidak diizinkan Allah? Sekiranya tidak ada ketetapan yang menentukan (dari Allah) tentulah mereka telah dibinasakan. " (QS. Asy-Syuura: 21)
Itulah penjelasan singkat tentang demokrasi dan kenapa Islam begitu menentangnya dan mengancam para pelaku demokrasi sebagai orang-orang yang keluar dari Islam.
“Sesungguhnya telah ada suri tauladan yang baik bagimu pada Ibrahim dan orang-orang yang bersama dengan dia; ketika mereka berkata kepada kaum mereka: “Sesungguhnya kami berlepas diri daripada kamu dan daripada apa yang kamu sembah selain Allah, kami ingkari (kekafiran)mu dan telah nyata antara kami dan kamu permusuhan dan kebencian buat selama-lamanya sampai kamu beriman kepada Allah saja…” (Al-Mumtahanah: 4)

Democracy is Major Shirk

Democracy is Major Shirk PDF Print E-mail
Fiqh: Islamic Jurisprudence - Governance
Written by Yahya Al-Hajooree   

If someone asks you: “what is democracy?”

Say: it is when people govern themselves by themselves without a (revealed) Book or Sunnah.
If it is said to you: “What is its ruling?”
Say: It is major Shirk (polytheism). The proof for this is Allah’s saying:
“Verily, the rule belongs to none but Allah.” [Surah Yoosuf: 40]?

Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajooree
“Al-Mabaadee al-Mufeedah fit-Tawheedi wal-Fiqhi wal-‘Aqeedah” Basic Principles on the Subjects of Tawheed, Fiqh and ‘Aqeedah: Points 45 and 46. By Shaikh Yahyaa bin 'Alee Al-Hajooree Al.IBAANAH Book Publishing.

democracy in its essence the biggest shirk of our times

 One of the three types of Shirk is Shirk in Ibadah

One of the ways, how one could fall in this trap is if one allows the love of anything or anyone to come between himself and Allaah, then he has worshipped that thing. In this way, money can become one's god or even one's desires could become a god.

Allah says in the Quran:

"Have you not seen the one who takes his desires as his god?"

(Quran: 25:43)

This law can be applied both at a personal level and at a collective level.

Since this thread is on democracy and issues on a collective level, we'll jump straight to the relevant part.

What is Democracy?
Democracy is nothing but Popular Sovereignty.

Allah Says in the Quran:

"Allah has not sent down any authority for them; judgment is only Allah's"

(Surah Yousuf, Ayah 40)

Now this does'nt mean a human has no right to judge and practice law. He has the right to judge; but within the limits of the injunctions of the Quran and the Sunnah.

But popular sovereignty, as seen in the West, and now increasingly prevalent in the Islamic World, with the beleif that the people have the right to pass any law as they want, is the Biggest Shirk of our times.

Democracy CAN become a legal form of governemnt if it accepts Allah as the sole Sovereign and thats its rights are limited and that it can only act in accordance to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. Same is the case with kingship; Dawood (A.S) and Suleiman (A.S) were kings.

Hum ne khud Shahi ko pehnaya hai Jamhoori Labaas
Jab zara adam hoa hai khud shinaas o khud nigar

Back then Firaun used to say, I dont accept any limiation to my sovereignty, today the public says that. Its the same thing. Shirk remains shirk.

Allah says in Surah Maidah:

"and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the unbelievers."


This one Ayah pretty much makes everything crystal clear. If you do not judge by the Law Allah has revealed than you are a Kaafir, period.

 No doubt it is imperative on the Muslim rulers to rule by the Law of Allah (SWT).

Anyway, I had discussed this verse earlier with you and now that you have posted it, I decided to look up it's tafsir.

First of all here's the complete verse:

"Verily, We did send down the Taurât (Torah) [to Mûsâ (Moses)], therein was guidance and light, by which the Prophets, who submitted themselves to Allâh's Will, judged for the Jews. And the rabbis and the priests [also judged for the Jews by the Taurât (Torah) after those Prophets], for to them was entrusted the protection of Allâh's Book, and they were witnesses thereto. Therefore fear not men but fear Me (O Jews) and sell not My Verses for a miserable price. And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn (i.e. disbelievers – of a lesser degree as they do not act on Allâh's Laws).[005:044]"

I only looked up the tafsir for "...And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn (i.e. disbelievers – of a lesser degree as they do not act on Allâh's Laws).[005:044]"

From what I could gather the last bit of the verse was revealed about two groups of Jews residing in Medina when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) arrived in Medina. They wanted to seek his advice, but were only willing to accept it if he gives his ruling in favour of the stronger of the two groups.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said, "Allah sent down the Ayat,

[وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم بِمَآ أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْكَـفِرُونَ]

(And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the disbelievers,)

[فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الظَّـلِمُونَ]

(Such are the unjust,) and,

[فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْفَـسِقُونَ]

(Such are the rebellious.) about two groups among the Jews. During the time of Jahiliyyah, one of them had defeated the other. As a result, they made a treaty that they would pay blood money totaling fifty Wasaq [of gold] (each Wasaq approx. 3 kg) for every dead person from the defeated group killed by the victors, and a hundred Wasaq for every dead person the defeated group killed from the victors. This treaty remained in effect until the Prophet came to Al-Madinah and both of these groups became subservient under the Prophet . Yet, when the mighty group once suffered a casualty at the hands of the weaker group, the mighty group sent a delegation demanding the hundred Wasaq. The weaker group said, `How can two groups who have the same religion, one ancestral lineage and a common land, have a Diyah that for some of them is half of that of the others We only agreed to this because you oppressed us and because we feared you. Now that Muhammad has come, we will not give you what you asked.' So war was almost rekindled between them, but they agreed to seek Muhammad's judgement in their dispute. The mighty group among them said [among themselves], `By Allah! Muhammad will never give you double the Diyah that you pay to them compared to what they pay to you. They have said the truth anyway, for they only gave us this amount because we oppressed and overpowered them. Therefore, send someone to Muhammad who will sense what his judgement will be. If he agrees to give you what you demand, accept his judgment, and if he does not give you what you seek, do not refer to him for judgement.' So they sent some hypocrites to the Messenger of Allah to try and find out the Messenger's judgement. When they came to the Messenger , Allah informed him of their matter and of their plot. Allah sent down,

[يأَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ لاَ يَحْزُنكَ الَّذِينَ يُسَارِعُونَ فِى الْكُفْرِ]

(O Messenger! Let not those who hurry to fall into disbelief grieve you,) until,


(Such are the rebellious.) By Allah! It is because of their problem that Allah sent down these verses and it is they whom Allah meant.'' Abu Dawud collected a similar narration for this Hadith. Abu Ja`far Ibn Jarir recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that the Ayah in Surat Al-Ma'idah,

[فَاحْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ أَوْ أَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ]

(either judge between them, or turn away from them...) until,


(Those who act justly.) was revealed concerning the problem of blood money between Bani An-Nadir and Bani Qurayzah. The dead of Bani An-Nadir were being honored more and they received the full amount of Diyah, while Qurayzah received half the Diyah for their dead. So they referred to the Messenger of Allah for judgement and Allah sent down these verses about them. The Messenger of Allah compelled them to adhere to the true judgement in this matter and made the Diyah the same for both groups and Allah knows best about that matter.'' Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i also recorded this Hadith from Abu Ishaq. Al-`Awfi and `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said that these Ayat were revealed about the two Jews who committed adultery, and we mentioned the Hadiths about this story before. It appears that both of these were the reasons behind revealing these Ayat, and Allah knows best. This is why Allah said afterwards,

[وَكَتَبْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ فِيهَآ أَنَّ النَّفْسَ بِالنَّفْسِ وَالْعَيْنَ بِالْعَيْنِ]

(And We ordained therein for them: Life for life, eye for eye) until the end of the Ayah, which strengthens the opinion that the story of the Diyah was behind revealing the Ayat as we explained above. Allah knows best.
In addition, many have also stated that it also applies to Muslims. However, as we know there are different levels of kufr and kurf of this type apparently does not throw one beyond the pale of Islam.

(And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the disbelievers.) Al-Bara' bin `Azib, Hudhayfah bin Al-Yaman, Ibn `Abbas, Abu Mijlaz, Abu Raja' Al-`Utaridi, `Ikrimah, `Ubaydullah bin `Abdullah, Al-Hasan Al-Basri and others said that this Ayah was revealed about the People of the Book. Al-Hasan Al-Basri added that this Ayah also applies to us. `Abdur-Razzaq said that Ath-Thawri said that Mansur said that Ibrahim said that these Ayat, "Were revealed about the Children of Israel, and Allah accepted them for this Ummah.'' Ibn Jarir recorded this statement. `Ali bin Abi Talhah also stated that Ibn `Abbas commented on Allah's statement,

[وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم بِمَآ أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْكَـفِرُونَ]

(And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the disbelievers,) "Whoever rejects what Allah has revealed, will have committed Kufr, and whoever accepts what Allah has revealed, but did not rule by it, is a Zalim (unjust) and a Fasiq (rebellious) and a sinner.'' Ibn Jarir recorded this statement. `Abdur-Razzaq said, "Ma`mar narrated to us that Tawus said that Ibn `Abbas was asked about Allah's statement,

[وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم]

(And whosoever does not judge...) He said, `It is an act of Kufr.' Ibn Tawus added, `It is not like those who disbelieve in Allah, His angels, His Books and His Messengers.' Ath-Thawri narrated that Ibn Jurayj said that `Ata' said, `There is Kufr and Kufr less than Kufr, Zulm and Zulm less than Zulm, Fisq and Fisq less than Fisq.''' Waki` said that Sa`id Al-Makki said that Tawus said that,

[وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم بِمَآ أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْكَـفِرُونَ]

(And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the disbelievers,) "This is not the Kufr that annuls one's religion.''
Source: Another Reason Behind Revealing these Honorable Ayat

 Democracy is like the holy grail of the modern world, it's untouchable.

Anything is justifiable if its related to Democracy.

Kill thousands of innocents? No biggie, it's for Democracy.

Usurp basic human rights? Oh wait, it's for Democracy.

Lose track of a few billion dollars in the of phoney reconstruction? Oh well, what's a few bucks for Democracy?

All this with Muslim nations stumbling over themselves in a hurry to show the world how they are more democratic than the rest. How laughable, considering Democracy has no basis in Islam.

Compromise, Hell!

Economic WMDs are being used against our own people in a version of "freedom" that makes greed the dominant economic virtue

by Wendell Berry

Published in the November/December 2004 issue of Orion magazine

Photograph by Raymond Gahman/Corbis, used with permission. Inset: Michael Grinley.

WE ARE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY—I mean our country itself, our land. This is a terrible thing to know, but it is not a reason for despair unless we decide to continue the destruction. If we decide to continue the destruction, that will not be because we have no other choice. This destruction is not necessary. It is not inevitable, except that by our submissiveness we make it so.
We Americans are not usually thought to be a submissive people, but of course we are. Why else would we allow our country to be destroyed? Why else would we be rewarding its destroyers? Why else would we all—by proxies we have given to greedy corporations and corrupt politicians—be participating in its destruction? Most of us are still too sane to piss in our own cistern, but we allow others to do so and we reward them for it. We reward them so well, in fact, that those who piss in our cistern are wealthier than the rest of us.
How do we submit? By not being radical enough. Or by not being thorough enough, which is the same thing.
Since the beginning of the conservation effort in our country, conservationists have too often believed that we could protect the land without protecting the people. This has begun to change, but for a while yet we will have to reckon with the old assumption that we can preserve the natural world by protecting wilderness areas while we neglect or destroy the economic landscapes—the farms and ranches and working forests—and the people who use them. That assumption is understandable in view of the worsening threats to wilderness areas, but it is wrong. If conservationists hope to save even the wild lands and wild creatures, they are going to have to address issues of economy, which is to say issues of the health of the landscapes and the towns and cities where we do our work, and the quality of that work, and the well-being of the people who do the work.
Governments seem to be making the opposite error, believing that the people can be adequately protected without protecting the land. And here I am not talking about parties or party doctrines, but about the dominant political assumption. Sooner or later, governments will have to recognize that if the land does not prosper, nothing else can prosper for very long. We can have no industry or trade or wealth or security if we don’t uphold the health of the land and the people and the people’s work.
It is merely a fact that the land, here and everywhere, is suffering. We have the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico and undrinkable water to attest to the toxicity of our agriculture. We know that we are carelessly and wastefully logging our forests. We know that soil erosion, air and water pollution, urban sprawl, the proliferation of highways and garbage are making our lives always less pleasant, less healthful, less sustainable, and our dwelling places more ugly.
Nearly forty years ago my state of Kentucky, like other coal-producing states, began an effort to regulate strip mining. While that effort has continued, and has imposed certain requirements of “reclamation,” strip mining has become steadily more destructive of the land and the land’s future. We are now permitting the destruction of entire mountains and entire watersheds. No war, so far, has done such extensive or such permanent damage. If we know that coal is an exhaustible resource, whereas the forests over it are with proper use inexhaustible, and that strip mining destroys the forest virtually forever, how can we permit this destruction? If we honor at all that fragile creature the topsoil, so long in the making, so miraculously made, so indispensable to all life, how can we destroy it? If we believe, as so many of us profess to do, that the Earth is God’s property and is full of His glory, how can we do harm to any part of it?
In Kentucky, as in other unfortunate states, and again at great public cost, we have allowed—in fact we have officially encouraged—the establishment of the confined animal-feeding industry, which exploits and abuses everything involved: the land, the people, the animals, and the consumers. If we love our country, as so many of us profess to do, how can we so desecrate it?
But the economic damage is not confined just to our farms and forests. For the sake of “job creation,” in Kentucky, and in other backward states, we have lavished public money on corporations that come in and stay only so long as they can exploit people here more cheaply than elsewhere. The general purpose of the present economy is to exploit, not to foster or conserve.
Look carefully, if you doubt me, at the centers of the larger towns in virtually every part of our country. You will find that they are economically dead or dying. Good buildings that used to house needful, useful, locally owned small businesses of all kinds are now empty or have evolved into junk stores or antique shops. But look at the houses, the churches, the commercial buildings, the courthouse, and you will see that more often than not they are comely and well made. And then go look at the corporate outskirts: the chain stores, the fast-food joints, the food-and-fuel stores that no longer can be called service stations, the motels. Try to find something comely or well made there.
What is the difference? The difference is that the old town centers were built by people who were proud of their place and who realized a particular value in living there. The old buildings look good because they were built by people who respected themselves and wanted the respect of their neighbors. The corporate outskirts, on the contrary, were built by people who manifestly take no pride in the place, see no value in lives lived there, and recognize no neighbors. The only value they see in the place is the money that can be siphoned out of it to more fortunate places—that is, to the wealthier suburbs of the larger cities.
Can we actually suppose that we are wasting, polluting, and making ugly this beautiful land for the sake of patriotism and the love of God? Perhaps some of us would like to think so, but in fact this destruction is taking place because we have allowed ourselves to believe, and to live, a mated pair of economic lies: that nothing has a value that is not assigned to it by the market; and that the economic life of our communities can safely be handed over to the great corporations.
We citizens have a large responsibility for our delusion and our destructiveness, and I don’t want to minimize that. But I don’t want to minimize, either, the large responsibility that is borne by government.
It is commonly understood that governments are instituted to provide certain protections that citizens individually cannot provide for themselves. But governments have tended to assume that this responsibility can be fulfilled mainly by the police and the military. They have used their regulatory powers reluctantly and often poorly. Our governments have only occasionally recognized the need of land and people to be protected against economic violence. It is true that economic violence is not always as swift, and is rarely as bloody, as the violence of war, but it can be devastating nonetheless. Acts of economic aggression can destroy a landscape or a community or the center of a town or city, and they routinely do so.
Such damage is justified by its corporate perpetrators and their political abettors in the name of the “free market” and “free enterprise,” but this is a freedom that makes greed the dominant economic virtue, and it destroys the freedom of other people along with their communities and livelihoods. There are such things as economic weapons of massive destruction. We have allowed them to be used against us, not just by public submission and regulatory malfeasance, but also by public subsidies, incentives, and sufferances impossible to justify.
We have failed to acknowledge this threat and to act in our own defense. As a result, our once-beautiful and bountiful countryside has long been a colony of the coal, timber, and agribusiness corporations, yielding an immense wealth of energy and raw materials at an immense cost to our land and our land’s people. Because of that failure also, our towns and cities have been gutted by the likes of Wal-Mart, which have had the permitted luxury of destroying locally owned small businesses by means of volume discounts.
Because as individuals or even as communities we cannot protect ourselves against these aggressions, we need our state and national governments to protect us. As the poor deserve as much justice from our courts as the rich, so the small farmer and the small merchant deserve the same economic justice, the same freedom in the market, as big farmers and chain stores. They should not suffer ruin merely because their rich competitors can afford (for a while) to undersell them.
Furthermore, to permit the smaller enterprises always to be ruined by false advantages, either at home or in the global economy, is ultimately to destroy local, regional, and even national capabilities of producing vital supplies such as food and textiles. It is impossible to understand, let alone justify, a government’s willingness to allow the human sources of necessary goods to be destroyed by the “freedom” of this corporate anarchy. It is equally impossible to understand how a government can permit, and even subsidize, the destruction of the land and the land’s productivity. Somehow we have lost or discarded any controlling sense of the interdependence of the Earth and the human capacity to use it well. The governmental obligation to protect these economic resources, inseparably human and natural, is the same as the obligation to protect us from hunger or from foreign invaders. In result, there is no difference between a domestic threat to the sources of our life and a foreign one.
It appears that we have fallen into the habit of compromising on issues that should not, and in fact cannot, be compromised. I have an idea that a large number of us, including even a large number of politicians, believe that it is wrong to destroy the Earth. But we have powerful political opponents who insist that an Earth-destroying economy is justified by freedom and profit. And so we compromise by agreeing to permit the destruction only of parts of the Earth, or to permit the Earth to be destroyed a little at a time—like the famous three-legged pig that was too well loved to be slaughtered all at once.
The logic of this sort of compromising is clear, and it is clearly fatal. If we continue to be economically dependent on destroying parts of the Earth, then eventually we will destroy it all.
So long a complaint accumulates a debt to hope, and I would like to end with hope. To do so I need only repeat something I said at the beginning: Our destructiveness has not been, and it is not, inevitable. People who use that excuse are morally incompetent, they are cowardly, and they are lazy. Humans don’t have to live by destroying the sources of their life. People can change; they can learn to do better. All of us, regardless of party, can be moved by love of our land to rise above the greed and contempt of our land’s exploiters. This of course leads to practical problems, and I will offer a short list of practical suggestions.
We have got to learn better to respect ourselves and our dwelling places. We need to quit thinking of rural America as a colony. Too much of the economic history of our land has been that of the export of fuel, food, and raw materials that have been destructively and too cheaply produced. We must reaffirm the economic value of good stewardship and good work. For that we will need better accounting than we have had so far.
We need to reconsider the idea of solving our economic problems by “bringing in industry.” Every state government appears to be scheming to lure in a large corporation from somewhere else by “tax incentives” and other squanderings of the people’s money. We ought to suspend that practice until we are sure that in every state we have made the most and the best of what is already there. We need to build the local economies of our communities and regions by adding value to local products and marketing them locally before we seek markets elsewhere.
We need to confront honestly the issue of scale. Bigness has a charm and a drama that are seductive, especially to politicians and financiers; but bigness promotes greed, indifference, and damage, and often bigness is not necessary. You may need a large corporation to run an airline or to manufacture cars, but you don’t need a large corporation to raise a chicken or a hog. You don’t need a large corporation to process local food or local timber and market it locally.
And, finally, we need to give an absolute priority to caring well for our land—for every bit of it. There should be no compromise with the destruction of the land or of anything else that we cannot replace. We have been too tolerant of politicians who, entrusted with our country’s defense, become the agents of our country’s destroyers, compromising on its ruin.
And so I will end this by quoting my fellow Kentuckian, a great patriot and an indomitable foe of strip mining, Joe Begley of Blackey: “Compromise, hell!”

Cinta Yang Pasti

Cinta Yang Pasti

Cinta Yang Pasti
Oleh : syabab_musafir95
Editor : everjihad

Remaja selalunya dikaitkan dengan cinta. Agak pelik jika dilihat seseorang yang memegang gelaran remaja tidak mempunyai perasaan ingin bercinta dan dicintai juga tidak ada keinginan untuk berkenal-kenalan (kononnya) dan berhubungan sama ada secara SMS ataupun surat (baru romantik kononnya) dengan sahabat lain yang berlainan jantina.

Adakah Islam membunuh terus naluri cinta ?
Adakah Islam langsung tidak memberi peluang kepada seseorang
untuk merasakan perasaan cinta?

Adakah Islam ini terlalu kejam apabila mengekang seseorang itu
daripada terjebak dengan percintaan ?

Bukan begitu saudaraku...

Islam adalah agama yang syumul! Segalanya sudah ditetapkan oleh syari'at supaya manusia tidak terus tenggelam pada bisikan dunia. Cinta yang diimpikan semasa remaja cuma fatamorgana yang tidak kekal. Cuma mainan remaja yang dibisik oleh hawa nafsu dan syaitan yang cuba menarik setiap bani Adam untuk bersamanya di neraka.

Cinta remaja sering membuatkan kita menipu diri sendiri. Pada fikiran sebilangan remaja, 'cuma setakat menelefon dan menghantar mesej dan surat bukannya sampai berjumpa berdua-duaan di taman bunga'

Firman Allah S.W.T:

(٣١) وَلَا تَقۡرَبُواْ ٱلزِّنَىٰٓ‌ۖ إِنَّهُ ۥ كَانَ فَـٰحِشَةً۬ وَسَآءَ سَبِيلاً۬

Maksud : Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan).

Sedangkan mendekati zina pun sudah ditegah. Apatahkan lagi berzina!.

Mengapa Allah kata,

Mengapa tidak dikatakan,


Ini kerana Islam telah menegaskan bahawa mendekati zina itu saja sudah haram hukumnya, apatah lagi jika berzina.

Asyik daripada menelefon kekasih pujaan itulah akan menaikkan keinginan nafsu untuk berjumpa dan kemudian ke arah kegiatan-kegiatan yang seterusnya.

Ketahuilah sahabat-sahabatku sekalian,

Sesungguhnya terdapat enam perkara yang mendekatkan diri kita kepada zina. Moga kita sama-sama dapat memelihara diri kita dari menghampiri dan kemudiannya melakukan perkara-perkara tersebut yang antaranya :

1. (Melihat) نظرة
-Zina itu bermula apabila seseorang itu tertarik kepada pasangan yang berlainan jantina dengannya

2. (Senyum)فسامهم
-Seterusnya senyuman diukir untukmenarik perhatian masing-masing

3.(Memberi Salam) فسلام

- Salam diberi sebagai tanda memulakan hubungan

4.(Bercakap Kosong) فكلام
-Setelah mengenal hati budi masing-masing, seringkali mnelefon dan menghantar mesej yang semuanya dipenuhi dengan cakap kosong dan angan-angan cinta

5. (Berjanji)فموعدون
- Mula mengikat janji untuk berjumpa untuk mengenali dengan lebih dekat dan melepaskan rindu di hati

6. (Berjumpa) فلقاءون
-Dan satu perjumpaan diadakan berdua-duaan (tiga sebenarnya - yang ketiga makhluk bernama syaitan) maka akan berlakulah zina di mana nafsu tidak mampu menahan amarah, disinilah permulaan zuriat dibuang di longkang-longkang, di celah-celah belukar serta semak samun, di tong-tong sampah, di jalanan dan juga di kaki lima. Di sinilah permulaan tergadai segala kehormatan diri. Disinilah permulaan untuk melepaskan nafsu yang tidak pernah kenal kepuasan dan maruah diri.

Zina bukan sahaja menggadai kehormatan diri malah kehormatan agama, masyarakat dan ibubapa malah merosakkan generasi ummah! Mahukah kamu untuk memalit najis yang hina di muka ibubapa setelah mereka membesarkan kamu ibarat menjaga sebutir permata yang berharga? Mereka juga yang telah bersusah payah melahirkan serta membesarkan kamu dengan menggunakan segala kudrat yang ada. Mereka yang telah banyak berjasa dalam kehidupanmu

Wahai rakan-rakanku sekalian,

Waktu ini bukanlah masanya lagi untuk kita bercinta. Perjuangan dan perjalanan masih jauh dan kita masih mentah untuk melalui alam percintaan. Percintaan yang sebenar bermula apabila kita mula mahu melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan.

Carilah cinta yang disandarkan kepada-Nya yang menjanjikan kemanisan di dunia dan kelebihan di akhirat. Sesungguhnya cinta kepada makhluk ciptaan-Nya merupakan satu fitrah yang tidak boleh dielak oleh seseorang yang bergelar manusia. Sedangkan Adam pun berasa sunyi tanpa kehadiran Hawa, bukan? Apakah yang tidak ada di syurga?

Fikirkanlah tentang ganjaran serta nikmat-nikmat yang bakal menanti kita di syurga yang tiada di dunia sementara kita melawan dari menuruti hawa nafsu kita yang sentiasa mahukan keseronokan yang tidak kekal juga kenikmatan yang tidak berpanjangan.

Marilah sama-sama kita menyeru diri kita serta kawan-kawan kita sekalian untuk kembali kepada ajaran agama kita sebagai pedoman mereka dalam kehidupan agar negara kita sentiasa dalam perlindungan dan rahmat Tuhan.


Artikel yang baik untuk dibaca berkaitan C.I.N.T.A tulisan Hilal Asyraf.

1. Saya perlukan teman wanita
2. Cinta-Cinta Itu
3. Bersedia Menjadi Isteri
4. Bersedia Menjadi Suami
5. Perempuan
6. Berikanlah Alasanmu Itu Kepada Allah
7. Berhala-berhala di dalam Jiwa

Helah Yahudi Zionis memerintah dunia I

Helah Yahudi Zionis memerintah dunia I

Assalamualaikum para pembaca sekalian. Sekali lagi saya tergerak untuk berkongsi isi buku "Berpetualang ke Aceh: Membela Syiar yang Asal" atau BKA II, kali ini daripada sebuah bab yang belum diedit lagi dan tajuknya seperti di bawah... Silakan!


oleh Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid

Satu ‘thesis’ melepaskan geram terhadap keadaan dunia sekarang yang pincang penuh penipuan akibat dakyah Barat yang dipelopori Yahudi, dakyah yang dicipta supaya dunia boleh ditakluki mereka... Ditulis selepas mengkaji pelbagai aspek sistem keilmuan moden yang dilihatnya telah ditentukan hala-tuju oleh para pemikir Zionis melalui agenda tertentu, para pemikir yang menguasai kurikulum pengajian dunia...

Masyarakat moden yang kononnya berjiwa liberal, bebas tanpa batasan, berpendidikan tinggi dalam zaman langit terbuka, sudah faham segala-galanya tentang dunia sering mengagung-agungkan demokrasi sebagai sistem terbaik untuk kesejahteraan sejagat, ideologi pentadbiran dan pemerintahan yang dikatakan ideal, adil lagi saksama. Tetapi jika dikaji sedalam-dalamnya sehingga ke akar-umbi, demokrasi adalah sistem ciptaan Yahudi yang membolehkan manusia yang buruk akhlak naik memegang tampuk kepimpinan dan kekuasaan. Kerana ia berdasarkan suara dan sokongan ramai, kononnya suara ramailah yang terbaik dalam menentukan halatuju pentadbiran dan pemerintahan sesuatu masyarakat ataupun negara.
Kajilah sejarah dengan akal dan mata-hati yang terbuka. Read between the lines, baca apa yang tersirat, jangan setakat baca membabi-buta lalu percaya semuanya yang disua tanpa ditimbang dengan sokongan Al Quran dan Hadis. Baca dengan hati yang terang supaya dapat mengenal kepalsuan yang diwar-warkan melalui kurikulum-kurikulum segala macam ilmu termasuk perspektif sejarah yang sebenarnya membodohkan. Sistem demokrasi dihalalkan sebagai prinsip ideal pentadbiran Yunani dahulukala yang berjaya menerbitkan masyarakat bertamadun tinggi lagi saksama. Betulkah ini atau tamadun ini gilang-gemilang kerana wujudnya prinsip Tauhid dari Syariat-syariat para Nabi terdahulu yang dipraktikkan mereka?
Walaupun Barat sering mewar-warkan mereka sebagai penyembah berhala, apakah tidak mungkin ini cuma kepercayaaan masyarakat kebanyakan atau segelintir rakyat sahaja sedangkan mereka, terutama golongan pemikir dan cendekiawan yang ikhlas lebih dekat kepada ajaran pemikir besar Yunani, Plato yang kalau dikaji secara mendalam mendekati ajaran Tasawuf yang mengEsakan Allah dalam maknanya yang hakiki?
Sebenarnya ada banyak jenis golongan pemikir di Yunani ataupun Greek dan seperti di dalam masyarakat-masyarakat lain, tidak semuanya betul. Cuba cari ensaiklopaedia-ensaiklopaedia atau bahan rujukan terkemuka dan cari perkataan sophistry, makna serta sejarahnya. Pernahkah anda mendengarnya? Kalau tidak, belajarlah…
Sophistry adalah sejenis falsafah yang menyatakan tidak wujud apa-apa bentuk kebenaran mutlak, berlawanan dengan ajaran setiap agama yang benar bahawa kebenaran mutlak ataupun ilmu yang haq itu wujud di sisi Allah Subhanahuwata’ala dan diturunkan kepada manusia dalam bentuk wahyu, dihuraikan pula melalui ajaran Nabi-nabi. Menurut para penganut falsafah ini, kebenaran adalah apa yang dapat dibuktikan dengan kata-kata, kesaksian melalui lima pancaindera dan logik akal sehingga tidak dapat disanggah. Natijahnya, siapa yang lebih pandai bercakap, berjaya mengemukakan alasan-alasan dan "bukti" yang "kukuh" yang tidak dapat ditandingi pihak lawan, dialah yang benar. Natijah seterusnya pula, kebenaran itu boleh dijual-beli, asalkan kena harganya.
Bukannya kita tidak tahu, di dalam kehidupan seharian, bukti yang benar boleh "dilesapkan" untuk digantikan dengan "bukti yang lebih sahih". Dan dalam sesuatu perdebatan, orang yang jahat lagi lick boleh menggunakan teknik berkata-kata yang sesuai atau oratoriol skills berserta soalan-soalan rhetorics untuk menekan orang yang benar sehingga dia terlupa fakta yang ingin dikemukan lalu dituduh sebagai penipu pula. Malah seseorang itu tidak perlu pergi jauh mempelajari teknik-teknik berbahas yang rumit untuk "menyatakan kebenaran." Seorang lelaki sasa yang berkuasa boleh menyebabkan seorang perempuan lemah yang dirogolnya menggugurkan tuduhan dengan menjerkahnya sekali soal serta memandangnya dengan tajam… Itulah sophistry, ilmu segolongan cendekiawan dan pemikir Yunani yang dikenali sebagai sophist 2,500 tahun dahulu… Kalau hendak tahu, inilah asal-usul prinsip guaman yang menggalakkan kepandaian berkata-kata dan bermain-main dengan barangan bukti untuk memenangkan hujah sehingga berjaya menegakkan benang yang basah.


Sebuah ensaiklopaedia menakrifkan sophists (orang yang mengamalkan sophistry) sebagai ahli sebuah pergerakan pengajian ilmu di bandar-bandar Greek ataupun Yunani pertengahan abad 400 Sebelum Masihi, terdiri daripada guru-guru pendatang yang mengajar ilmu tatabahasa dan public speaking, kemahiran berucap di hadapan ramai. Orang-orang ini tidak berminat kepada perbincangan falsafah dan ilmu-ilmu berkaitan kejadian alam malah mengutuk prinsip-prinsip moral, agama, juga undang-undang sebagai adat-adat ciptaan manusia sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu. Lalu mereka menganggap adalah lebih baik untuk menjadi orang yang ‘berjaya’ (seperti kaya-raya, berkuasa dan sebagainya) tanpa perlu memikirkan masalah-masalah moral, etika ataupun menyimpan niat murni. Maka itu mereka percaya seseorang itu tidak perlu merasa bertanggung-jawab untuk mematuhi apapun bentuk undang-undang malah boleh melanggarnya asalkan dapat mengelakkan diri daripada ditangkap.
Antara ahli sophist yang terkenal ialah Protagoras, Gorgias, dan Antiphon, para ‘pemikir’ yang amat disanjungi mereka yang menjunjung tinggi ilmu guaman. Sebab itu pemikir besar Yunani, Plato menyebut gurunya Socrates menentang golongan sophists kerana ajaran-ajaran mereka boleh menghancurkan masyarakat.
Socrates adalah seorang mahaguru falsafah dan ilmu pemikiran yang amat mementingkan moral dan etika. Malah jika diteliti lebih mendalam, ajaran-ajarannya tidak banyak bezanya dengan ajaran agama Tauhid yang dibawa para Rasul dan Nabi. Hamba Allah yang hidup di Athens (ibunegara Greek sekarang) ini suka berpakaian ringkas serta mengurangkan makan dan minum, sama seperti amalan para Nabi Beliau selalu mengajar khalayak umum di tepian jalan dan pasar-pasar dengan menyoal mereka tentang prinsip hidup lalu menegur kekurangan dalam jawaban yang diberi.
Socrates cuba mengajar cara berfikiran yang suci murni dalam menangani kehidupan, ajaran-ajaran yang menyinggung keadaan semasa dengan menyatakan secara tersirat bahawa para pemerintah mestilah terdiri daripada mereka yang benar-benar tahu memimpin, bukan sekadar memerintah mengikut nafsu atau memuaskan ego sahaja. Pendekkata mereka mesti terdiri daripada para pemimpin sejati yang benar-benar inginkan masyarakat mencapai kesejahteraan zahir dan batin, bukan setakat menjadi pemerintah kerana berjaya dipilih orang ramai mengikut sistem demokrasi.. Lalu ajaran-ajaran beliau dikira melawan demokrasi. Maka itu, lambat-laun nanti, tidak dapat tidak, beliau akan dimusuhi golongan yang tidak senang terhadap ajarannya dan termasuk musuh-musuh ini adalah orang-orang yang paling berpengaruh di Athens.
Tidak lama kemudian, Socrates pun dihadapkan ke muka ‘pengadilan’ dan dijatuhkan hukuman mati kerana masih tetap berpegang teguh kepada ajaran-ajarannya. Apakah tidak mungkin, orang-orang yang menjatuhkannya adalah para pengikut ajaran sophist? Mereka yang pandai memainkan kata-kata untuk memenangi hati rakyat lalu dipilih memimpin Athens mengikut sistem demokrasi ciptaan Yahudi?
Sesetengah sejarahwan percaya kebudayaan Yunani yang amat dibangga-banggakan Barat adalah warisan daripada sebuah masyarakat yang telah lebih wujud jauh lebih dahulu, lebih 1000 tahun sebelum Masihi di sebuah kawasan yang dipanggil Arcadia. Ada pula kajian menyebut, masyarakat Arcadia terdiri daripada satu puak Yahudi yang telah membawa diri dari Jerusalem. Dan kemungkinan besar mereka ini adalah keturunan para penyembah berhala yang pernah diketuai Samiri, pengikut Nabi Musa yang telah mengajak kaumnya menyembah patung lembu emas buatannya.


Melalui prinsip sophistry, sistem demokrasi dapat dihalalkan sepenuhnya apabila kata-kata yang dipersetujui ramai tanpa dapat dilawan dianggap kebenaran yang tidak boleh disanggah lalu menggantikan kebenaran mutlak yang bersumberkan Ilahi. Fikirkanlah secara bijak dan jujur, bolehkah Nabi Muhammad SAW menjadi pemimpin jika demokrasi ala Barat, suara ramailah yang dijadikan sebagai ukuran kelayakan? Sedangkan rakyat pada waktu itu, masyarakat Arab Jahiliah sudah biasa mengamalkan seks bebas, kuat minum arak dan menyembah berhala, langsung tidak mahu menyokong Islam yang melarang semua perbuatan ini. Bukankah baginda pada mulanya ditolak oleh kaumnya sendiri sehingga terpaksa meninggalkan tanah tumpah darahnya di Mekah untuk berhijrah ke Madinah di mana penduduknya telah lama menunggu kehadiran Nabi dan Rasul akhir zaman?
Cuma mereka yang mengenali kebesaran Nabi dan kemuliaannya melalui tanda-tanda tertentu dan sifat-sifat baginda sahaja yang mula-mula menyokongnya, bukannya demokrasi orang ramai. Baginda dipilih oleh Allah SWT, bukannya manusia biasa yang tidak sunyi daripada membuat kesilapan. Maka itu baginda mendapat sokongan dari langit menyebabkan baginda berjaya mengIslamkan seluruh bumi Arab. Tetapi jikalau mengikut prinsip sophistry yang kemudiannya "membenarkan" pelbagai cabang ilmu ciptaan Yahudi, manusia-manusia suci seperti Nabi yang cuma ingin memperjuangkan kebenaran yang dinyatakan Ilahi boleh diperlekehkan atau didiscredit sebagai manusia sakit jiwa yang mengalami apa yang dipanggil di dalam ilmu psychology sebagai messianic complex, penyakit orang yang menganggap dirinya pejuang kebenaran yang diutuskan untuk memperbaiki masyarakatnya. Maka itu, mereka yang "disahkan" mempunyai messianic complex didakwa mahu menyebarkan fahamannya kepada orang ramai kerana cuma mahu memenuhi kelopongan ataupun kekurangan diri yang kononnya wujud dalam jiwanya, sepertimana seorang anak yang membesar tanpa perhatian yang secukupnya boleh menjadi seorang manusia yang gilakan publisiti apabila dewasa nanti.
Mengikut ilmu psychology juga, wahyu serta ilham para Nabi yang diperolehi melalui jalan-jalan ghaib seperti perantaraan malaikat Jibril boleh melayakkanya mereka untuk digolongkan sebagai penghidap penyakit jiwa schizoprenia iaitu penyakit orang yang mendengar bunyi-bunyi atau melihat perkara-perkara yang cuma dialami mereka, pengalaman yang tidak dapat dibuktikan kewujudannya kepada orang lain. Lalu sekali lagi prinsip sophistry digunakan untuk menutup kebenaran mutlaq milik Allah Subhanahuwata’ala sedangkan bukankah orang-orang Islam disuruh beriman kepada perkara-perkara ghaib? Bukankah beberapa rukun Iman seperti percaya kepada Malaikat melibatkan perkara-perkara yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh manusia biasa tetapi telah dialami dengan benar oleh manusia-manusia suci seperti Nabi? Maka itu, jika rakyat terlalu percayakan demokrasi ciptaan Barat, mahukah mereka menyokong orang "gila", berpenyakit messianic complex dan schizoprenic seperti Nabi? Mahukah masyarakat jahiliah mengangkat pemimpin yang akan menghapuskan segala kesukaan mereka seperti berjudi, minum arak dan menyembah berhala?
Fikirkanlah, kalau sesebuah masyarakat ataupun negara terdiri daripada majoriti rakyat yang telah rosak akhlak, maka pemimpin bagaimanakah yang akan dipilih dan dinaikkan ke persada kekuasaan? Apakah tidak mungkin mereka akan memilih ketua yang menggalakkan orang ramai minum arak? Sanggup menobatkan manusia buruk perangai yang boleh mengurangkan cukai arak jika itulah kesukaan ramai, atau pemimpin yang mengalakkan pembukaan lebih banyak kelab-kelab malam dan disko malah melupuskan sama sekali cukai hiburan jika rakyatnya suka beronggeng?
Inilah yang sebenarnya dikehendaki puak Yahudi Zionis, satu pecahan ekstremis Bani Israel yang percaya bahawa mereka adalah bangsa pilihan Tuhan dan mereka kononnya telah ditentukan Yang Maha Kuasa untuk memerintah dunia. Mereka ini percaya dan yakin, adalah menjadi hak semulajadi ataupun birthright mereka untuk menundukkan bangsa-bangsa lain di bawah tapak kaki mereka. Kononnya inilah yang telah digariskan di dalam kitab Talmud pegangan mereka, yang merupakan ulasan para ulamak Yahudi turun-temurun terhadap kitab Torah ataupun Taurat yang dibawa Nabi Musa AS, kitab yang sebenarnya sudah lama diselewengkan. Tetapi susah untuk puak Yahudi ini menundukkan dunia dan penduduknya jika masih wujud raja-raja yang sebenar, raja-raja berwibawa yang sangat kuat pegangan agamanya dan mencontohi akhlak sebenar Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW yang mulia. Maka itu dicipta sistem demokrasi supaya orang-orang berakhlak buruk dari kalangan masyarakat termasuklah golongan mereka sendiri boleh naik memegang tampuk kekuasaan. Kerana suatu masa dahulu semua masyarakat di dunia termasuk di Eropah amat peka terhadap nasab dan asal-usul seseorang, cuma mereka yang diakui keturunan dan kemuliaannya sahaja boleh memegang tampuk kepimpinan masyarakat.
Kajilah sejarah permulaan demokrasi ala Barat, demokrasi berParlimen yang bermula dengan peristiwa Magna Carta di England 800 tahun lalu, perjanjian pertama dengan raja yang membolehkan rakyat mempunyai suara ke atas pemerintahan negara. Walaupun dicatatkan perjanjian tahun 1215 Masihi ini berlaku di antara King John dengan golongan bangsawan, bukannya dengan orang kebanyakan, ia sebenarnya adalah pembuka pintu supaya rakyat biasa yang tidak tentu susur-galur keturunannya boleh meletakkan istana di bawah tapak kaki mereka suatu hari nanti.
Peristiwa ini sebenarnya terjadi di atas hasutan Yahudi juga, dengan menasihati raja yang bodoh supaya menaikkan cukai terus-menerus dan menjalankan polisi-polisi kerajaan yang dapat menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat lalu senang diapi-apikan supaya menentang raja. Sedangkan raja bodoh ini, adik kepada King Richard sudah lama terhutang budi dengan para penghasut ini semasa cuba menaiki takhta. Dan golongan bangsawan yang dimaksudkan sebenarnya banyak terdiri daripada Yahudi-yahudi ini juga yang berjaya menempatkan diri ke dalam lingkungan pergaulan istana melalui taktik-taktik keji terutamanya "membeli" jiwa manusia…

Carbon nanotechnology in an 17th century Damascus sword

Carbon nanotechnology in an 17th century Damascus sword

The Damascus swords of the Middle East were legendarily sharp, strong and flexible. Now, an analysis of one of these weapons under an electron microscope reveals that the key to its properties is nanotechnology, inadvertently used by blacksmiths centuries before modern science.
In medieval times, crusading Christian knights cut a swathe through the Middle East in an attempt to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims. The Muslims in turn cut a swathe through the invaders using a very special type of sword, which quickly gained a mythical reputation among the Europeans.
These ‘Damascus blades’ were extraordinarily strong, but still flexible enough to bend from hilt to tip. And they were reputedly so sharp that they could cleave a silk scarf floating to the ground, just as readily as a knight’s body.
A piece of Damascus steel shows the characteristic wavy 'damask' pattern. These superlative weapons gave the Muslims a great advantage, and their blacksmiths carefully guarded the secret to their manufacture. The secret died eventually died out in the eighteenth century and no European smith was able to reproduce their method.
Now, Marianne Riebold and colleagues from the University of Dresden have uncovered the startling origins of Damascus steel using a technique unavailable to the sword-makers of old – electron microscopy.
Damascus blades were forged from small cakes of steel from India called ‘wootz’. All steel is made by allowing iron with carbon to harden the resulting metal. The problem with steel manufacture is that high carbon contents of 1-2% certainly make the material harder, but also render it brittle.
This is useless for sword steel since the blade would shatter upon impact with a shield or another sword. Wootz, with its especially high carbon content of about 1.5%, should have been useless for sword-making. Nonetheless, the resulting sabres showed a seemingly impossible combination of hardness and malleability.
A carbon nanotubeRiebold’s team solved this paradox by analysing a Damascus sabre created by the famous blacksmith Assad Ullah in the seventeenth century, and graciously donated by the Berne Historical Museum in Switzerland.
They dissolved part of the weapon in hydrochloric acid and studied it under an electron microscope. Amazingly, they found that the steel contained carbon nanotubes (see left), each one just slightly larger than half a nanometre. Ten million could fit side by side on the head of a thumbtack.
Carbon nanotubes are cylinders made of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms. They are among the strongest materials known and have great elasticity and tensile strength. In Riebold’s analysis, the nanotubes were protecting nanowires of cementite (Fe3C), a hard and brittle compound formed by the iron and carbon of the steel.
Here is the answer to the steel’s special properties – it is a composite material at a nanometre level. The malleability of the carbon nanotubes makes up for the brittle nature of the cementite formed by the high-carbon wootz cakes.
It isn’t clear how ancient blacksmiths produced these nanotubes, but the researchers believe that the key to this process lay with small traces of metals in the wootz including vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. Alternating hot and cold phases during manufacture caused these impurities to segregate out into planes.
From there, they would have acted as catalysts for the formation of the carbon nanotubes, which in turn would have promoted the formation of the cementite nanowires. These structures formed along the planes set out by the impurities, explaining the characteristic wavy bands, or damask (see image at top), that patterns Damascus blades.
By gradually refining their blade-making skills, these blacksmiths of centuries past were using nanotechnology at least 400 years before it became the scientific buzzword of the twenty-first century.
The ore used to produce wootz came from Indian mines that were depleted in the eighteenth century. As the particular combination of metal impurities became unavailable, the ability to manufacture Damascus swords was lost.
Now, thanks to modern science, we may eventually be able how to replicate these superb weapons and more importantly, the unique steel they were shaped from.
Reibold, Paufler, Levin, Kochman, Patzke & Meyer. 2006. Nature 444: 286.

caRa mEnDiDiK IStErI (iStErI PoN WaJiB BaCe)

CaRa mEnDiDiK IStErI (iStErI PoN WaJiB BaCe) November 30, 2007

Posted by "eS@RLi" in Renungan.

Suami sebagai pemimpin rumahtangga semestinya sentiasa kretif dalam mendidik isteri. Allah bekalkan kepada kita kaum lelaki kekuatan akal yang rasional? tidak terlalu emosional atau mudah didorong oleh perasaan. Lelaki tidak mudah tersinggung berbanding dengan wanita. Jika kekuatan akal ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya, ditambah dengan kesabaran serta kekuatan jasmani untuk mencari nafkah keluarga, suami akan menjadi pelindung dan pendidik yang berwibawa. Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
‘lelaki adalah pemimpin (pembela dan pelindung) bagi wanita, kerana Tuhan telah melebihkan yang satu dari yang lainnya, dan kerana suami telah menafkahkan sebahagian daripada hartanya.’
Tercetusnya kebahagiaan rumahtangga ialah apabila suami dapat menggunakan kekuatan akalnya serta kesabaran dalam menghadapi kerenah dan ragam isteri – makhluk yang kuat perasaannya.
Secara mudah, bolehlah dikatakan lelaki adalah makhluk akal manakala wanita adalah makhluk rasa. Perasaan wanita terlalu mudah terusik dengan suasana dan keadaan sekeliling. Oleh itu dalam menghadapi wanita, lelaki hendaklah banyak menggunakan daya fikir. Kalau umpamanya isteri sedang berduka, suami perlu merancang untuk mewujudkan perasaan gembira di dada isteri. Di sinilah perlunya strategi dalam mendidik isteri.
Kaum wanita memang dibekalkan dengan sembilan nafsu dan akal berbanding dengan lelaki hanya satu nafsu dan sembilan akal. Nafsu yang dimaksudkan bukanlah nafsu seks semata-mata tetapi nafsu yang menyebabkan seseorang itu mudah tidak sabar, mudah prasangka, pemarah, pemboros dalam berbelanja, cepat tersinggung dan sebagainya. Pendekata, hasil dorongan nafsu itulah lahirnya pelbagai perasaan di dada wanita. Sebab itu dikatakan juga bahawa sembilan persepuluh daripada diri wanita itu ialah perasaan dan satu persepuluh saja pertimbangan akal. Atas dasar inilah wanita mesti dipandu atau dibimbing oleh lelaki agar segala tindak tanduknya tidak melulu ikut perasaan semata-mata.
Sembilan nafsu pada diri wanita boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada masyarakat dan keruntuhan rumahtangga jika tidak dipagari dengan ilmu syariat. Mahu tidak mahu suami terpaksa belajar sedikit sebanyak ilmu untuk menundukkan wanita atau psikologi wanita serta memenuhkan dada dengan ilmu syariat. Barulan nanti dapat menggunakan kebijaksanaan dalam mendidik isteri sekalipun adakalanya menghadapi ragam isteri yang mencabar kesabaran kita.
Kebijaksanaan mesti disertai pula dengan kesabaran. Kedua-duanya mesti ada pada seorang suami. Kesabaran tanpa kebijaksanaan menyebabkan sumi menurut saja kemahuan isteri sehingga isteri besar kepala. Manakala kebijaksanaan tanpa kesabaran akan menyebabkan suami tewas dengan nafsunya sendiri sehingga bertindak ganas dan boleh membahayakan isteri. Maknanya, tanpa kesabaran seseorang itu hilang pertimbangan akal dan tidak dapat lagi melihat sesuatu persoalan dengan tenang. Jika kesabaran tidak ada pada diri, ia perlu diusahakan melalui latihan bepandukan ilmu tasauf.
Contoh bagaimana kesabaran boleh menundukkan nafsu wanita dapat dilihat pada satu kisah seorang perempuan tua yang suka mengganggu Rasulullah saw. Tatkala Rasulullah saw lalu di sebelah rumahnya dia akan membaling sampah kepada Rasulullah saw. Adakalanya dia menaburkan sampah dan serpihan kaca di sepanjang jalan yang akan dilalui oleh Rasulullah saw. Bahkan pernah juga dia membaling najis semasa Rasulullah lalu di sebelah rumahnya. Tetapi sedikit pun tidak dipedulikan oleh baginda Rasulullah saw.
Suatu hari Rasulullah rasa pelik kerana perempuan tua itu tidak menghalangi lagi perjalanannya baik dengan serpihan kaca mahupun dengan sampah yang dibalingkan. Apabila pulang dari masjid, baginda bertanya jiran perempuan tersebut. Rupa-rupanya perempuan itu sakit. Lalu baginda naik ke rumahnya dengan tujuan untuk berziarah. Rasulullah bertanyakan khabar dan tolong memasakkan air untuk perempuan tua itu. Alangkah terkejutnya perempuan tersebut melihat akhlak Rasulullah sanggup menziarai dan membantunya tatkala dia sedang sakit. Akhirnya dengan sifat sabar Rasulullah menghadapi kerenah perempuan tua itu menyebabkan terbuka hatinya memeluk Islam.
Pada masa yang lain, pernah Rasulullah melintasi sekumpulan kaum perempuan, lalu baginda memberi salam. Tetapi tiada siapa pun yang menjawab salam baginda. Baginda memberi salam sekali lagi. Mereka masih diam juga. Akhirnya setelah tiga kali Rasulullah beri salam, barulah mereka menjawab salam baginda. Apabila ditanya mengapa mereka tidak menyahut salam yang pertama dan kedua mereka menjawab, ‘Kami sengaja mahu Rasulullah saw mendoakan untuk kami.’
Begitu Rasulullah saw mendidik kaum wanita. Walaupun sesekali kesabaran baginda rasanya tercabar, tetapi Rasulullah masih dapat menunjukkan akhlak yang paling baik. Kadangkala apabila berhadapan dengan kaum perempuan yang pendek akalnya, kita kaum lelaki mudah naik angin. Memang tidak dinafikan ada masanya perempuan mengambil masa untuk memahami sesuatu perkara. Tetapi kita kaum lelaki mestilah menyedari hakikat bahawa kaum perempuan memang sediakala lemah pemikirannya. Oleh itu, kita kaum lelaki mestilah bersedia untuk mendidik isteri dengan penuh kasih sayang tanpa rasa jemu walaupun mengambil masa yang panjang.
Suatu ketika datang seorang perempuan berjumpa Rasulullah dan bertanya tentang mendi hadas. Rasulullah menjawab, ‘Ambillah sepotong kain perca yang sudah dikasturikan lalu berwuduk dengannya.’ Perempuan itu terpinga-pinga kerana tidak memahami keterangan Rasulullah. Lantas dia mengulangi lagi pertanyaannya, ‘Bagaimana saya hendak berwuduk dengan itu?’ Sekali lagi Rasulullah mengulangi jawapan baginda. Tetapi perempuan yang bertanya masih belum memahaminya. Lalu Rasulullah meminta kepada Siti Aisah supaya menerangkan kepada perempuan itu. Maka Siti Aishah pun berkata, ‘Ambil sepotong kapas yang bersih, lalu letakkan di tempat darah. Jika kapas itu tetap putih tanda haid sudah berhenti,’
Yang dimaksudkan dengan unsur kasih sayang dalam mendidik isteri bukanlah sekadar kata-kata asmara dana atau pujuk rayu. Tetapi ia lebih daripada itu. Sifat dan perwatakan suami itu sendiri hendaklah mempunyai ciri pengasih. Sekalipun jika dia seorang pemimpin.
Ada waktu-waktu yang tertentu apabila suami bersama isteri, kita hendaklah merendahkan sifat ego kita. Seperti mana yang dibuat oleh Rasulullah tatkala bersama Siti Aishah. Sewaktu Rasulullah dinikahkan dengan Siti Aishah, umur baginda 55 tahun manakala Siti Aishah baru enam tahun dan mereka bersama tatkala Siti Aishah berusia sembilan tahun. Semasa melayan Siti Aishah, ada masanya Rasulullah berlagak seperti kawan sepermainan. Siti Aishah diajak berlumba lari. Kadang-kadang Siti Aishah menang dan adakalanya Rasulullah menang dalam perlumbaan tersebut. Bermakna sewaktu bersama isteri adakalanya Rasulullah melayan kehendak isterinya tanpa menjatuhkan mertabatnya sebagai seorang suami yang wajib dihormati oleh isteri. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pada masa-masa tertentu suami mesti pandai memikat hati isteri asalkan tidak sampai terlalai hingga menurut saja segala kemahuan isteri. Di sinilah perlunya ketegasan seorang suami. Tegas dalam syariat dan tegas dalam perjuangan. Tegas tidak pula bermakna kasar atau garang cuma jangan sampai kerana hendak melayan kehendak isteri, syariat dan perjuangan terpaksa diketepikan.
Sebagai orang yang ditua-tuakan dalam sesebuah rumahtangga, suami berhak untuk mendidik dan menyelesaikan segala kekusutan fikiran isterinya. Oleh kerana wanita seringkali bertindak mengikut perasaannya, maka adakalanya apabila fikiran terganggu emosinya juga terikut sama. Tatkala itu kalau ada kesalahan suami walaupun kecil akan diungkit-ungkit lebih-lebih lagilah jika kesalahan itu dianggap besar, mulalah meluap-luap perasaan marahnya pada suami. Memang satu sifat yang agar sukar untuk dikawal ialah tatkala dia sedang marah. Kadang-kadang dia mengamuk macam ribut taufan lakunya (sebab itu kebanyakan nama ribut diambil dari nama perempuan umpamanya Taufan Lydia, Ariel, Angela dan lain-lain).
Bagaimana sepatutnya tindakan suami untuk mententeramkan isteri yang sedang dilanda ribut taufan ini? Seeloknya didiamkan saja dahulu sampai kemarahannya reda kemudian baru diterangkan dengan sejelas-jelasnya setiap perkara yang perlu diterangkan terutama yang menimbulkan prasangka isteri. Mengapa perlu diamkan saja orang yang sedang mengamuk? Kerana tatkala sedang marah syaitan sengaja meluap-luapkan perasaan marahnya. Kalau dijawab, bererti kita sengaja mencari pasal kerana berlawan dengan syaitan. Maka lebih baik didiamkan sahaja sehingga perasaan marahnya kendur. Ada kalanya demi keharmonian rumahtangga, ada perkara-perkara tertentu yang tidak sepatutnya diketahui oleh isteri. Kalau perlu disembunyikan dari pengetahuan isteri, sembunyikan sungguh-sungguh. Saya bukanlah menggalakkan suami mengambil kesempatan melakukan perkara yang sumbang dan berbuat dosa di belakang isteri. Tetapi jika perkara yang disembunyikan itu tidak bertentangan dengan syariat, memang ada baiknya disembunyikan. Mungkin ia berhubung dengan suatu perkara yang isteri masih sukar untuk menerimanya.
Hal ini pernah berlaku dalam rumahtangga Rasulullah saw. Suatu hari isteri-isteri datang menemui baginda dan Siti Aishah, yang mewakili mereka semua, bertanya, ‘Wahai Rasulullah, di antara isteri-isteri Rasulullah, yang manakah yang paling Rasulullah sayangi?’ Rasulullah tersenyum mendengar pertanyaan itu. Rasulullah tidak terus menjawabnya. Bahkan baginda menyuruh kesemua isterinya pulang dahulu dan berjanji akan memberikan jawapannya kemudian.
Bagaimana harus dijawab kalau anda ditanya begitu oleh isteri-isteri anda? Memang tidak dinafikan perasaan kasih sayang itu tidak boleh diberi sama adil. Ini diakui oleh Allah. Tetapi suami mestilah pandai memainkan peranannya supaya jangan ada dikalangan isteri-isteri yang tersinggung perasaanya kerana mengetahui suami lebih sayang kepada isteri yang lain.
Berbalik kepada kisah tadi, maka seperti biasa Rasulullah saw mendatangi isteri-isterinya mengikut giliran masing-masing. Rasulullah sedikit pun tidak menyebut mengenai persoalan yang dikemukakan itu. Sebaliknya sebelum baginda meninggalkan isterinya, setiap seorang baginda hadiahi sebentuk cincin dan baginda berpesan agar mereka tidak memberitahu pada isteri-isteri yang lain. Pada hari yang telah ditetapkan Rasulullah saw menyuruh isteri-isterinya berkumpul kerana baginda hendak memberi jawapan kepada persoalan yang dikemukakan.
Maka berdebar-debarlah hati masing-masing untuk mengetahui siapakah di antara mereka yang paling disayangi oleh Rasulullah. Ada yang terasa pasti jawapannya Siti Aishah kerana beliaulah yang termuda di antara mereka. tetapi dengan kebijaksanaan Rasulullah, baginda pun berkata, ‘Isteri yang paling disayangi ialah mereka yang diberi cincin kepadanya.’ Maka tersenyumlah isteri-isteri Rasulullah kerana setiap seorang menyangka dia sahaja yang menerima cincin tersebut. Begitulah sepatutnya tindakan suami, pandai menyelesaikan kekusutan fikiran isteri.
Satu perkara lagi biasanya kaum perempuan suka berleter atau setengah orang kata macam mulut murai. Suami yang bijak akan berdiam dan tidak menjawab leteran isteri. Ini bukan bermakna suami mengalah, tetapi sebagai satu strategi. Ibarat orang sedang sakit gigi. Gigi yang sakit jangan terus dicabut kerana akan bertambah sakitnya. Hendaklah tunggu sehingga sakitnya berkurangan barulah dicabut. Maknanya isteri yang sedang berleter, jangan dinasihati. Hendaklah tunggu keadaannya menjadi kendur barulah boleh dinasihati. Dan nasihat itu mestilah kena pada tempatnya. Maka barulah diterima dan dirasakan seperti kepala yang disirami embun pagi pada kala panas terik. Rasulullah juga pernah berhadapan dengan kerenah perempuan yang suka berleter. Rasulullah tidak menjawab sepatah pun. Baginda memberi peluang kepada perempuan tersebut meluahkan ketidakpuasan hatinya. Apabila kesemuanya telah diluahkan, barulah baginda memberi penjelasan atau pun memaafkan saja dan melupakan perkara tersebut.
Tidak semua suami memiliki isteri yang banyak kerenah. Beruntunglah suami yang memiliki isteri yang sikapnya terlalu pangasih terhadap suami dan anak-anak. Perempuan begini rela mengorbankan seluruh jiwa dan raganya untuk kebahagiaan suami dan anak-anak. Dia akan bersikap sebagai penghibur, penyayang, pendorong dan pembantu kepada perjuangan suami sekiranya suaminya seorang pejuang atau pendakwah. Isteri begini bukan sahaja tidak membebankan suami dengan masalah-masalahnya bahkan dia akan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah suaminya. Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud:
‘Barangsiapa memiliki isteri yang solehah maka sesungguhnya ia telah memiliki separuh dari agamanya.’
Rasulullah juga bersabda yang bermaksud:
‘Dunia adalah hiasan dan hiasan yang terbaik ialah memiliki isteri yang solehah.’
Apabila wanita dapat dididik dengan betul maka ia dapat memberi kebaikan kepada seluruh umat kerana di tangan wanitalah penentu corak generasi akan datang. Kelembutan dan kehalusan belaian tangan wanita yang solehah akan membahagiakan seluruh isi alam.
Firman Allah swt, ‘Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada di dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, yang ingat-mengingati supaya mentaati kebenaran, dan yang ingat-mengingati dengan kesabaran.’ Surah Al-Ashr
Dari Abdullah bin ‘Amr R. A, Rasulullah S. A. W bersabda: ‘ Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat…’

`Iddah (Waiting Period After Divorce or Death of Husband): Wisdom & Rulings

`Iddah (Waiting Period After Divorce or Death of Husband):
Wisdom & Rulings

By, Reprinted from their Fatwa Bank
Date: 10/Jun/2003
Name of Counsellor: A Group of Islamic Researchers
Topic: 'Iddah, the Waiting Period After Divorce in Islam
Name of Questioner: Faizah from Malaysia
Question: As-Salamu `Alaykum. Is the term `Iddah applicable to the widow and the divorcee? What is the need of `Iddah and for how long should this "waiting period" be? Please help. Thank you!
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear sister in Islam, we commend your keenness on getting your self well-acquainted with Islam and its teachings, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.
As regards your question, we'd like to explain that `Iddah or a woman's post marital waiting period, is the period in which a woman waits before she may remarry to verify that she is not pregnant, or out of mourning for her deceased husband. (See: Ahmad ibn Naqeeb Al-Misri, The Reliance of the Traveler)
Wisdom of 'Iddah and its Legitimacy:
  1. To discern whether the woman is pregnant or not.

  2. Shari`ah has ordained the period of `Iddah to avoid any confusion of lineage which may result from the woman's pressing need of marriage.

  3. The period a woman spends in `Iddah whether short or otherwise sheds light on the seriousness of marriage and how far it is a sacred bond.

  4. It allows the man and the woman to think twice before breaking up the family tie, especially in cases where divorce is revocable. (Source: The Kuwaiti Encyclopedia of Fiqh) 

Rulings Pertaining to `Iddah:
Widowed Woman:
If a woman is widowed and is not pregnant, her waiting period ends after completing four months and ten days. Allah Almighty says,
"Such of you as die and leave behind them wives, they (the wives) shall wait, keeping themselves apart, four months and ten days…" (Al-Baqarah: 234)
Widowed Woman Who is Pregnant:
As for the widowed woman whom her husband dies while leaving her pregnant, her waiting period ends with the delivery of her baby. Allah Almighty says,
"...And for those with child, their period shall be till they bring forth their burden" (At-Talaq: 4)
Divorced Woman:
As for a divorced woman, her waiting period ends when three intervals between menstruations have finished, if she is not pregnant. Allah Almighty says:
"Women who are divorced shall wait, keeping themselves apart, three (monthly) courses. And it is not lawful for them that they should conceal that which Allah hath created in their wombs if they are believers in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands would do better to take them back in that case if they desire reconciliation. And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness, and men are a degree above them. Allah is Mighty, Wise." (Al-Baqarah: 228)
If the divorced woman - like the widowed one - is pregnant, her waiting period ends with the delivery of her baby.
(`Abdul-Karim Zidan, Nazarat fi ash-Shari`ah al-Islamiyyah)

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

Pages of the Gutenberg Bible.
Enlarge Johanna Leguerre/AFP/Getty Images Pages of the Gutenberg Bible in Colmar, France. Religious historian Philip Jenkins says scriptures from the Bible are more violent than those from the Quran.
Pages of the Gutenberg Bible.
Johanna Leguerre/AFP/Getty Images
Pages of the Gutenberg Bible in Colmar, France. Religious historian Philip Jenkins says scriptures from the Bible are more violent than those from the Quran.
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March 18, 2010
As the hijackers boarded the airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001, they had a lot on their minds. And if they were following instructions, one of those things was the Quran.
In preparation for the suicide attack, their handlers had told them to meditate on two chapters of the Quran in which God tells Muslims to "cast terror into the hearts of unbelievers."
"Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them," Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad (Quran, 9:5). He continues: "Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites! ... Hell shall be their home, an evil fate."
When Osama bin Laden declared war on the West in 1996, he cited the Quran's command to "strike off" the heads of unbelievers. More recently, U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan lectured his colleagues about jihad, or "holy war," and the Quran's exhortation to fight unbelievers and bring them low. Hasan is accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, last year.
Given this violent legacy, religion historian Philip Jenkins decided to compare the brutality quotient of the Quran and the Bible.
Defense Vs. Total Annihilation
"Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible," Jenkins says.
Jenkins is a professor at Penn State University and author of two books dealing with the issue: the recently published Jesus Wars, and Dark Passages , which has not been published but is already drawing controversy.
Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible.
Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack.
"By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane," he says. "Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide."
It is called herem, and it means total annihilation. Consider the Book of 1 Samuel, when God instructs King Saul to attack the Amalekites: "And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."
When Saul failed to do that, God took away his kingdom.
"In other words," Jenkins says, "Saul has committed a dreadful sin by failing to complete genocide. And that passage echoes through Christian history. It is often used, for example, in American stories of the confrontation with Indians — not just is it legitimate to kill Indians, but you are violating God's law if you do not."
Jenkins notes that the history of Christianity is strewn with herem. During the Crusades in the Middle Ages, the Catholic popes declared the Muslims Amalekites. In the great religious wars in the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, Protestants and Catholics each believed the other side were the Amalekites and should be utterly destroyed.
'Holy Amnesia'
But Jenkins says, even though the Bible is violent, Christianity and Judaism today are not for the most part.
"What happens in all religions as they grow and mature and expand, they go through a process of forgetting of the original violence, and I call this a process of holy amnesia," Jenkins says.
Philip Jenkins, the author of 'Jesus Wars'
Enlarge Courtesy of HarperOne Jenkins, author of Jesus Wars, says that violence in the Quran is largely a defense against attack.
Philip Jenkins, the author of 'Jesus Wars'
Courtesy of HarperOne
Jenkins, author of Jesus Wars, says that violence in the Quran is largely a defense against attack.
They make the violence symbolic: Wiping out the enemy becomes wiping out one's own sins. Jenkins says that until recently, Islam had the same sort of holy amnesia, and many Muslims interpreted jihad, for example, as an internal struggle, not physical warfare.
Andrew Bostom calls this analysis "preposterous." Bostom, editor of The Legacy of Jihad, says there's a major difference between the Bible, which describes the destruction of an enemy at a point in time, and the Quran, which urges an ongoing struggle to defeat unbelievers.
"It's an aggressive doctrine," he says. "The idea is to impose Islamic law on the globe."
Take suicide attacks, he says — a tactic that Muslim radicals have used to great effect in the U.S., Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. It's true that suicide from depression is forbidden in Islam — but Bostom says the Quran and the Hadith, or the sayings of Muhammad, do allow self-destruction for religious reasons.
"The notion of jihad martyrdom is extolled in the Quran, Quran verse 9:1-11. And then in the Hadith, it's even more explicit. This is the highest form of jihad — to kill and to be killed in acts of jihad."
'Out Of Context'
That may be the popular notion of jihad, says Waleed El-Ansary, but it's the wrong one. El-Ansary, who teaches Islamic studies at the University of South Carolina, says the Quran explicitly condemns religious aggression and the killing of civilians. And it makes the distinction between jihad — legal warfare with the proper rules of engagement — and irjaf, or terrorism.
"All of those types of incidences — [Sept. 11], Maj. Nidal Hasan and so forth — those are all examples of irjaf, not jihad," he says. According to the Quran, he says, those who practice irjaf "are going to hell."
So what's going on here? After all, we all have images of Muslim radicals flying planes into buildings, shooting up soldiers at Fort Hood, trying to detonate a bomb on an airplane on Christmas Day. How to reconcile a peaceful Quran with these violent acts?
El-Ansary says that in the past 30 years, there's been a perfect storm that has created a violent strain of Islam. The first is political: frustration at Western intervention in the Muslim world. The second is intellectual: the rise of Wahhabi Islam, a more fundamentalist interpretation of Islam subscribed to by Osama bin Laden. El-Ansary says fundamentalists have distorted Islam for political purposes.
"Basically what they do is they take verses out of context and then use that to justify these egregious actions," he says.
El-Ansary says we are seeing more religious violence from Muslims now because the Islamic world is far more religious than is the West. Still, Jenkins says Judeo-Christian cultures shouldn't be smug. The Bible has plenty of violence.
"The scriptures are still there, dormant, but not dead," he says, "and they can be resurrected at any time. Witness the white supremacists who cite the murderous Phineas when calling for racial purity, or an anti-abortion activist when shooting a doctor who performs abortions.
In the end, the scholars can agree on one thing: The DNA of early Judaism, Christianity and Islam code for a lot of violence. Whether they can evolve out of it is another thing altogether.

Excerpt: 'Jesus Wars'

'Jesus Wars'
March 18, 2010
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Jesus once asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?" They answered that all sorts of stories were circulating — that he was a prophet, perhaps Elijah or John the Baptist come back to earth. "But," he asked, "Who do you say that I am?" Over the past two thousand years, Christians have formulated many different answers to this question. Yes, most believe Jesus was a human being, but at the same time he was also God, one of the three persons of the Trinity. He was both God and man.
Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years
By Philip Jenkins
Hardcover, 352 pages
List price: $26.99

But when we have said that, we have raised more questions than we have answered, as the basic belief in Jesus Christ demands combining two utterly different categories of being. Such a transgression of boundaries puzzles and shocks believers of other faiths, especially strict monotheists such as Muslims and Jews. But even those Christians who accept the basic concept probably could not explain it with anything like the precision demanded by early church councils. By those rigorous standards, virtually all modern nonspecialists (including many clergy) would soon lapse into grave heresy. . . .
So was Jesus a Man-bearing God, or a God-bearing man? Between those extreme poles lay any number of other answers, which competed furiously through the first Christian centuries. By 400, most Christians agreed that Jesus Christ was in some sense divine, and that he had both a human nature (Greek, physis) and a divine nature. But that belief allowed for a wide variety of interpretations, and if events had developed differently — if great councils had decided other than they actually did — any one of these various approaches might have established itself as orthodoxy. In the context of the time, cultural and political pressures were pushing strongly toward the idea of Christ-as-God, so that only with real difficulty could the memory of the human Jesus be maintained. Historically, it is very remarkable that mainstream orthodoxy came out so strongly in favor of asserting Christ's full humanity.

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And yet it did just that. When most modern churches explain their understanding of Christ's identity — their Christology — they turn to a common body of ready-made interpretations, an ancient collection of texts laid down in the fifth century. At a great council held in 451 at Chalcedon (near modern Istanbul), the church formulated the statement that eventually became the official theology of the Roman Empire. This acknowledges Christ in two natures, which joined together in one person. Two natures existed, "without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together to form one person."
We cannot speak of Christ without declaring his full human nature, which was not even slightly diluted or abolished by the presence of divinity. That Chalcedonian definition today stands as the official formula for the vast majority of Christians, whether they are Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox — although how many of those believers could explain the definition clearly is open to debate. But as we are told, Chalcedon settled any controversy about the identity of Christ, so that henceforward any troublesome passages in the Bible or early tradition had to be read in the spirit of those powerful words. For over 1,500 years now, Chalcedon has provided the answer to Jesus' great question.
But Chalcedon was not the only possible solution, nor was it an obvious or, perhaps, a logical one. Only the political victory of Chalcedon's supporters allowed that council's ideas to become the inevitable lens through which later generations interpret the Christian message. It remains quite possible to read the New Testament and find very different Christologies, which by definition arose from churches very close to Jesus' time, and to his thought world. In particular, we easily find passages that suggest that the man
Jesus achieved Godhood at a specific moment during his life, or indeed after his earthly death.
In political terms, the most important critics of Chalcedon were those who stressed Christ's one divine nature, and from the Greek words for "one nature," we call them Monophysites. Not only were Monophysites numerous and influential, but they dominated much of the Christian world and the Roman Empire long after Chalcedon had done its work, and they were only defeated after decades of bloody struggle. Centuries after Chalcedon, Monophysites continued to prevail in the most ancient regions of Christianity, such as Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. The heirs of the very oldest churches, the ones with the most direct and authentic ties to the apostolic age, found their distinctive interpretation of Christ ruled as heretical. Pedigree counted for little in these struggles.
Each side persecuted its rivals when it had the opportunity to do so, and tens of thousands — at least — perished. Christ's nature was a cause for which people were prepared to kill and to die, to persecute or to suffer martyrdom. Modern Christians rarely feel much sympathy for either side in such bygone religious wars. Did the issues at stake really matter enough to justify bloodshed? Yet obviously, people at the time had no such qualms and cared passionately about how believers were supposed to understand the Christ they worshipped. Failing to understand Christ's natures properly made nonsense of everything Christians treasured: the content of salvation and redemption, the character of liturgy and Eucharist, the figure of the Virgin Mary. Each side had its absolute truth, faith in which was essential to salvation.
Horror stories about Christian violence abound in other eras, with the Crusades and Inquisition as prime exhibits; but the intra- Christian violence of the fifth- and sixth-century debates was on a far larger and more systematic scale than anything produced by the Inquisition and occurred at a much earlier stage of church history. When Edward Gibbon wrote his classic account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, he reported countless examples of Christian violence and fanaticism. This is his account of the immediate aftermath of Chalcedon:
Jerusalem was occupied by an army of [Monophysite] monks; in the name of the one incarnate Nature, they pillaged, they burnt, they murdered; the sepulchre of Christ was defiled with blood. . . . On the third day before the festival of Easter, the [Alexandrian] patriarch was besieged in the cathedral, and murdered in the baptistery. The remains of his mangled corpse were delivered to the flames, and his ashes to the wind; and the deed was inspired by the vision of a pretended angel. . . . This deadly superstition was inflamed, on either side, by the principle and the practice of retaliation: in the pursuit of a metaphysical quarrel, many thousands were slain.
Chalcedonians behaved at least as badly in their campaigns to enforce their particular orthodoxy. In the eastern city of Amida, a Chalcedonian bishop dragooned dissidents, to the point of burning them alive. His most diabolical scheme involving taking lepers, "hands festering and dripping with blood and pus," and billeting them on the Monophysite faithful until they saw reason.
Even the Eucharist became a vital component of religious terror. Throughout the long religious wars, people were regularly (and frequently) reading others out of the church, declaring formal anathemas, and the sign for this was admitting or not admitting people to communion. In extreme episodes, communion was enforced by physical violence, so that the Eucharist, which is based upon ideas of self-giving and self-sacrifice, became an instrument of oppression. A sixth-century historian records how the forces of Constantinople's Chalcedonian patriarch struck at Monophysite religious houses in the capital. Furnished with supplies of consecrated bread, the patriarch's clergy were armed and dangerous. They "dragged and pulled [the nuns] by main force to make them receive the communion at their hands. And they all fled like birds before the hawk, and cowered down in corners, wailing and saying, 'We cannot communicate with the synod of Chalcedon, which divides Christ our God into two Natures after the union, and teaches a Quaternity instead of the Holy Trinity.'" But their protests were useless. "They were dragged up to communicate; and when they held their hands above their heads, in spite of their screams their hands were seized, and they were dragged along, uttering shrieks of lamentation, and sobs, and loud cries, and struggling to escape. And so the sacrament was thrust by force into the mouths of some, in spite of their screams, while others threw themselves on their faces upon the ground, and cursed every one who required them to communicate by force." They might take the Eucharist kicking and screaming — literally — but once they had eaten, they were officially in communion with Chalcedon and with the church that preached that doctrine.
Reprinted from Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years by Philip Jenkins. Copyright 2010. With permission of the publisher, HarperOne.