The Melayu Peninsula.
The Melayu Peninsula.
"ZION [SION, SHEON, TSEON, TSION, TRION, TZION, TZEON, XEON, etc]" means 'Lovely [Kingdom of Heaven for Many or Joy], Good [Destroy Evils]''. The words that have the same meaning as "Zion" in the Books are "ISLM" and "JNH". We took a world map and decoded the names of major locations in the natives' languages and the Universal Language. We found out only one location that has the 'Lovely [Kingdom of Heaven for Many or Joy], Good [Destroy Evils]'' meaning - "Melayu".
"Melayu" is 'Mel' which is 'Good [Destroy Evils]'' in Universal Language and 'Ayu' which is 'Lovely [Kingdom of Heaven for Many or Joy]'' in Bahasa Melayu, the native language there. We also found out that our own name, MHMD HSN, means 'Lovely [Kingdom of Heaven for Many or Joy], Good [Destroy Evils]' - MHMD' which is equivalent to Zion, Islm, Melayu, Jnh, Jon, etc. Then we found out that the Fifth Covenant is also coded MHMD HSN (Zion, Islm, Melayu, Jnh, Jon, etc)."Zion" also means 'Zi (west, island, many peoples, YSI [kingdom of heaven], queen), 'ON (east, king, HSN [good], weds [fucks], destroys evils' or 'King HSN [good] in the east, goes to the island to the west, destroy evils, weds with Queen YSI, gets kingdom of heaven, of many peoples'. Only a location in the east with an island of many peoples to its west can be called "Zion"."Zion" (Islm, Melayu, Jnh, Jon, Mhmd Hsn, etc) is not only the name of the Great Kingdom of Heaven, but the names of the Truth and Right Path from ILLH, the Fifth Covenant, the highest Prophet holder of the Fifth Covenant and, the final and everlasting Great Kingdom of Heaven.NOTES : JNH (same meaning as Zion) is the name of Great Kingdom of Heaven, not the Heaven proper (IDN). But the Heaven proper (IDN) and the Gate of Heaven (BABI) are sometimes called 'JNH'. 'Erez' is 'land'. 'Erez Zion' is equal to 'Land of Melayu', 'Land of Islm', 'Land of the Great Kingdom of Heaven', 'Land of the Fifth Covenant', 'Land of Mhmd Hsn', etc.
'Utmost part of the earth', 'land of the Gentiles', 'homeland of the Gentile king of the final and everlasting Kingdom of Heaven' - the Testaments.
Another big thing in ILLH's Books that was very badly falsified by the devils is "the location of Erez Zion". They invented falsehoods about Erez Zion long before they positively identified the location of Erez Zion. In ancient India, Erez Zion was falsified by the devils into "Ayodhya" (the island west of Erez Zion was falsified into Lanka which is to the South of India!). In ancient China, Erez Zion was probably falsified into "Xian" (note the similarities with 'Zion [Xeon]'). While SLM super-city in the Promised Land (the Promised Land is in the New World) was falsified into non-existent "Shangri-la". In the Middle East, when the Torat and Ingil came, the Erez Zion name was used but its location was falsified into Judea. They also created Jerusalem to bluff Mankind that it is the SLM super-city. When the Ilqrin came, the name disappeared once again (because it was already falsified into Judea) and the locations was falsified into areas around Mecca. Even Washington DC was made into an area near Mecca for the Haj pilgrimage falsehood. The Mormons have their own fake Erez Zion in Utah, USA.Actually, the location of Erez Zion is very important because it would be the location of ILLH's Throne (above Erez Zion) when She Descends at the End of the World. Erez Zion is the location where the Yhodia King of the Devils (Yagog) would appear at the End of the World. Erez Zion is the location of the Evils' utopia and their "villains' towers (Ziggurat of Doom or Msgd ilHrm)". Erez Zion is the location where 'the Good' triumphs over 'the Evil'. Erez Zion is the location where ILLH would End Her 'Teen Days', Wed and start to Settle Down near all Mankind forever. Erez Zion is the location where Princess Queen Angel YSI Ilmsih descends and meets her lover Prince HSN. Erez Zion is the location of the capital of the Great Kingdom of Heaven before the Mass Transfer to SLM, Babi. In short, Erez Zion would be 'the central location' of the End of the World. Zion means "Lovely Good" in the Universal Language.; But where is the location of the real Erez Zion?The devils, using the Books they hid, had positively identified the location of Erez Zion around the early 1800's. The Yhodia devils started to migrate to Erez Zion and its vicinity in the late 1800's. Mankind positively identified Erez Zion in 2001 after the devils crumbled a fake 'Ziggurat of Doom (Msgd ilHrm)' in New York (the WTC Twin Towers). Even though the Books were badly falsified by the devils, Zion was pretty easy to locate for someone who knows a bit of Aramaic (the origin of Simple Arabic used in the Ilqrin and Hebrew) and like to analyze things. The Testaments stated that "MankindThe evils would be destroyed when the towers of evil merchants fall in Zion (Sion) in the utmost (far) part of the Earth". The Testaments clearly tells that Erez Zion is not Israel by using the phrase 'the veils ofJudahYhodia in Zion' (peoples ofJudahYhodia do not need any 'veils' in Israel).The Ilqrin in turn cunningly stated that 'a pair of tall towers on a cave' would fall by using the front legs of a dog belonging to the 'Small pieces of the Rocks (Ptit Ilkhf)' refuge-seeker girls. The towers is called 'the ziggurat' ('msgd' which is 'idolized center' or 'trading center') in the Ilqrin. A ziggurat in the Ilqrin with proper name is 'Msgd ilHrm' (or 'the Forbidden Ziggurat' but we like to use 'the Ziggurat of Doom'). Therefore, 'the towers of Evil' in the Testaments is called 'Msgd ilHrm' in the Ilqrin. After that, it was very easy for us to identify 'the towers of Evils' or Msgd ilHrm. The Ilqrin stated that 'if you get out the morning, the sun is to your left; if you get out in the evening, the sun is to your right'. The towers of Evil or Msgd ilHrm is the KLCC Twin Towers. Hence, the location of Erez Zion is the Melayu Peninsula. The most important phrase about the location of Erez Zion in Books is "the King of Kings (Mlk ilMlk)". Erez Zion is the only place at the End of the World that has a "King of Kings" where the Agung (Supreme) King is the head of the nine kings of Malaysia.Malaysia (MLSIA) means 'HSN (ML) and the girls (SIA)'. If reversed, it becomes AISLM or 'Mankind ISLM (Zion, JNH, Melayu, Fifth Covenant, etc)'. Also, Princess Queen Angel YSI Ilmsih has a strange title, ILMSIH. From the codes MSIH is equal to '(female part of) MLSIA' using mathematical calculations. The New Testament stated that 'the final battle' would occur in Armageddon which is called 'Margiddon (Mrgidn)' in the Old Testament and it was planned to be the gathering place of the 'evil kings and rich peoples' (utopia). 'Mrgidn' in the Universal Language is 'Big War' or 'Perang Besar' in Bahasa Zion. The capital of Malaysia had just shifted to Putrajaya in 'Perang Besar' Selangor. The Evils had built their Utopia ("fake Heaven") in Armageddon. Left image shows the location of Erez Zion.
REMARKS : The devils led by the Yhodia devils found the real Erez Zion, "Tanah Melayu". But they failed to find the real Mount Zion, "Bukit Indah".
The map of Erez Zion - the Melayu Peninsula from Southern Thailand to Singapore. The middle image shows Erez Zion if viewed from North. Imagine where the devils' 'Novus Ordo Seclorum (New World Order)' symbol came from. Most probably, from ILLH's Words describing the 'location' (not the 'city' like they thought) of Zion. The 'Lion Gate' in Jerusalem and the lion statue in front of the pyramids are just falsehoods from the statements about 'the Lion Gate of Zion' - Singapore ("Lion City"). Singapore is also the 'eye (sfya)' of Zion.
CORRECTING THE DEVILS' FALSIFICATIONS OF ZION AND ISLM (BOTH ARE THE SAME THING).Islm is not the Truth but the Truth and the Right Path. Islm is not the religion Muslims subscribe (a falsehood by the devils) but the Fifth Covenant. Zion is not an ideology but the Truth and the Right Path. Zion is not the name of the regime of the 'evil kingdom (nation)' of Israel but the name of the Great Kingdom of Heaven. Islm is not the name of the republic of the 'evil kingdom (nation)' of Iran but the name of the Great Kingdom of Heaven. Zion or Islm is not an invention of peoples but a Grace of ILLH to all Mankind (and Angels, animals, etc).Erez Zion is not a parched dry place* in the Middle East but a tropical paradise in the utmost part of the earth. Erez Zion is not Israel but Tanah Melayu. Erez Zion is not Erez Jerusalem (Israel) nor Erez Slm (Babi in the New World) but Erez Mrgidn (Armageddon) and Erez Msgd ilHrm (the Ziggurat of Doom). Peoples of Zion are not peoples of Israel but all Mankind. Peoples of Islm are not Muslims but all Mankind. The chosen peoples are not peoples of Israel but peoples of Zion or Islm (all Mankind).The Chosen One is not peoples of Israel but Prophet Zion (who usually sleeps until midday, click here). The chosen peoples (peoples of Zion or Islm) are the peoples chosen by the Chosen One (Prophet Zion or Islm). Preaching (all-female) Prophets do not preach Zion or Islm (the Fifth Covenant) but preach Zi or Is (the Truth).NOTES : * The falsehood that Erez Zion is parched dry place by the devils is very stupidly funny. This is because Zion ('Good Lovely') is also the Great Kingdom of Heaven. A parched dry place depicts the Kingdom of Hell, not the Great Kingdom of Heaven. Erez Zion is not a parched dry place but a lovely place. In fact, the Yhodia devils called Penang Island in Erez Zion "the pearl of the Orient" when they first landed there in the 1800s.
Listen to the "Hatikva" ("Our Hope", the national anthem of Israel) and "Yrslayim sel zhv" ("Jerusalem of Gold", sung by Ofra Haza). The songs are based on the falsified statements about the journeys of Son of Man (HSNA) in the Old Testament (the songs are mainly about the Third Journey where the Heavenly World would be Bestowed shortly after the journey). From "Ulfa'ate micrc kdimh (and forward to the east) Ain Zion sfya (into the eye of Zion)" (from the Hatikva), we can see that Zion ('good lovely') is a lovely place with an 'eye'. Israel is a parched dry semi desert without an 'eye'. Mankind Israelis had been bluffed to say "next year in Jerusalem" for thousands of years and that Jerusalem is SLM of the Promised Land. The whole of Jerusalem is under Israel's control after East Jerusalem was annexed following the 1967 Yom Kippur Six Day War. There was no pair of very tall twin towers that crumbled then. There was no Gentile MLKSDQ nor Israeli ILMSIH that appeared to take the throne of the Great Kingdom of Heaven. There was no Great Kingdom of Heaven Bestowed. That was no big celebrations commemorating ILLH. Mankind Israelis did not find peace nor everlasting life there but prolonged wars and many deaths.
The city they called "Yrslayim sel zhv (Jerusalem of Gold)" (from the Yrslayim sel zhv) is not made of gold. But it has a "dome of the Rocks" that becomes a flash point with Mankind Muslims. It also was not Planned and Built by ILLH and did not came down from the skies . Mankind Israelis never lived in Erez Zion (Tanah Melayu), much less being exiled/expelled from Erez Zion. Innumerable sufferings and deaths had been caused by 'Jerusalem is SLM' and 'Israel is Erez Zion' lies over thousands of years. Mankind Israelis had been bluffed to sing about "Tanah Melayu" (Hatikva). Mankind Israelis were expelled from Judea and Samaria many times over thousand of years. Mankind Arabs/Palestinians were expelled from Judea and Samaria when Mankind Israelis return, etc. Not to mention the many Mankind killed in wars caused by these lies. The return of the Israelis to the fake Erez Zion created another cycle of sufferings and deaths for many Mankind. But the historic return of MLKSDQ HSNA (Son of Man) to the real Erez Zion would mark the end of the sufferings and deaths for all Mankind, the end of all Evils, and the coming of the real 'SLM sel Zhv (Slm of Gold)' of the New World."Yrslayim sel zhv" is not the "Slm sel Zhv sel Zhv el Kf (Slm of Gold of the Gold of the Rocks)" which would be made of gold and other fine materials with many beautiful rivers (one of them is called Slsvila) in the Promised Land (Babi) in the New World that is Planned and Built by ILLH and would come down from the skies (the New Testament and Ilqrin). There is no such thing as 'Erez Zion v SLM (the Land of Zion and SLM)' for Zion and SLM are in two different worlds. There is no island west of the fake Erez Zion that became the place of exile for that so-called 'chosen race' that does not ''usually sleeps until midday". An island to the west of Zion is the place where MLKSDQ would meet Queen Angel YSI Anggellia and the Amazing Wedding would be held during which MLKSDQ would announce the Arrival of ILLH, the Good News and the arrival Zion Great Kingdom of Heaven. And for all them to return to the east and on to the fake Mount Zion 'bdrh Jeriho (passing through Jeriho)' (from Yrslayim sel zhv) is not logical. Jeriho (Ariha, red arrow) is not in Israel but in the east of West Bank in the Palestine Territories! Even if Israel annexed the whole of West Bank, it is still illogical to 'bdrh Jeriho' to the fake Mount Zion from the west. Wonder where is the deep river port (Old Testaments) that the fake 'chosen race' embarked from in their eastward return from exile to the fake Erez Zion (the First Journey).Actually, there would be three very important journeys by Son of Man (HSNA) between Sumatra Island and Erez Zion in the Books; The Journey "on the Waters" of Revelations - The Eastward Journey Into the Night ('Isra Micrc ht ilLil'), The "on the skies" Journey of Doom - The Westward Journey on the Skies ('Isra Mrev Smx') and The "on the Skies" Journey of Victory - The Eastward Journey on the Skies ('Isra Micrc Smx'). All the journeys were falsified badly by the devils they would bring their total destruction. The Second Journey (the Journey of Doom) is nearly wiped out from the Books by the devils. The journey that is left the most albeit falsified in the First Journey. If you read the Books or listen to songs (Hatikva, Yrslayim sel zhv, Rivers of Babilon, etc), you probably would not find the Second Journey. But if you hear the 'Send me an Angel' you would probably realize there are three journeys. We can see that the song was made from the original Books hid by the devils. Actually, there were many statements about the Second Journey in the New Testament but was falsified into the "walk on water" of (non-existent) Jesus Christ to Capernaum.The First Journey would be made by Son of Man (HSNA) on the Day of ILLH from Pekanbaru* to Mount Zion starting early in the morning. First, he would do 'Ulfa'ate micrc kdimh Ain Zion sfya' (from Hatikva) by taking two speed boats to the east into 'the eye of Zion', Singapore from the river port of Buton. He would take the MRT underground train and bus crossing the Singapore island. Then he would do 'bdrhJerihoJohor' (from the Yrslayim sel zhv) to Kuala Lumpur by express bus. Finally, he would take a taxi cab to the house he sacrificed on Mount Zion, arriving after midnight. Other than Psalm 110, we picked the embarkation port using the 'Send me an Angel' song - "seek the rose along the way, just beware of the thorn". We knew that the Books instructed to avoid Pekan Duri (town of thorns) in the Journeys (by using alternative route or by flying over it). Ilqrin 2:185 stated that Son of Man (HSNA) would receive Revelations about the Greatest New Year (Qymt ilYom) on the First Journey. If you analyze the New Testament, you will find more than a quarter of it is about these three journeys that had been very badly falsified.The Second Journey would be made by Son of Man (HSNA) for the ending of the Assigned Period, about nine months after the First Journey by "Now everyone can fly" flight from Kuala Lumpur to Padang, Sumatra Island. "Like the sun rising from the east and setting in the west; like lightning Son of Man (HSNA) be before the tribulations" Matthews 24:27 (corrected). "And then Son of Man (HSNA) appears in the skies. And he sends his angels with a loud sound of a trumpet. The king of the great kingdom dies. Many peoples mourn. The sun is darkened. The
skiesearth is shaken with great power. All the guilty die. Son of Man (HSNA) becomes the king of his great kingdom. When the times of the tribulations has passed, Mankind of all tribes rejoice. He unites all Mankind from all the four winds of the earth. And then Son of Man (HSNA) appears in the clouds of skies with power and great glory." Matthews 24:29-31 (corrected). The devils had falsified and combined the Second and the Third Journey in the verses. The second journey would cause the devils to be totally destroyed.Son of Man (HSNA) would stay at the Finishing Pole of the Final Battle at the Heart of Earth (Lvv ilArd), Bun Tabenam, Padang. Anyway, he would sometimes go to Bukit Tinggi with a peculiar grand clock tower (IV is written as IIII 'all thorns'). After the destruction of all Evils, the Angels would deliver the top war trophy, the 'Air Force One', to Son of Man (HSNA) in Padang. Son of Man (HSNA) would make the greatest and the most historic address, the Greatest Victory Inauguration speech. After that the Amazing Birthday and Wedding of Son of Man (HSNA) and Queen Angel YSI Anggellia would take place. The Third Journey would be made by Son of Man (HSNA) by the 'Air Force One' from Padang, the Land of "Mud Buffalo (Very Big) Victory" Minangkabau, Sumatra Island, to "Center of Mud" Kuala Lumpur accompanied by innumerable Angels.
Imagine how gleeful the Yhodia devils who are in the real Erez Zion (Tanah Melayu) such as Mahathir, Abdullah, Anwar, etc are when they sing the "Hatikva". Their race bluffed Mankind Israelis that Erez Zion is a parched dry place where Jerusalem is while it is a tropical 'paradise' in the utmost part of the earth. To them, Mankind Israelis (and other Mankind) had been fooled that Israel is Erez Zion while they are in the real Erez Zion. That they have successfully built their 'Nefesh Yhudi (the Soul/Heart of Yhodia)#' in the real Erez Zion. But the Books foretold that they are the ones being fooled. From ILLH's Books that the Yhodia-led devils turned into ruins, Prophet Zion discovered Zion. And Prophet Zion will destroy all of them and their evil things. Their Nefesh Yhudi will be destroyed into ashes. ILLH would be Sitting Majestically on the New Throne above the destroyed Nefesh Yhudi.
The triangular historic journeys of Son of Man (HSNA).
REMARKS : The most historic journeys would be the journeys of Son of Man (HSNA) between a big island that bears his title - Sumatra ('place of TRA making the very big announcement') and the homeland that bears his name - Erez Zion (Tanah Melayu). The Second Journey (the Journey of Doom) is the journey that caused the stupid devils to crumble the WTC Twin Towers in New York on 11 September 2001. It also caused very great fear that airline flights would cause their total destruction.Shortly after the Third Journey by 'Air Force One', all Mankind would be able to fly. Ability to fly is one of the basic features of the Great Kingdom of Heaven. The Third Journey would mark that the "Everyone can fly" era is about to begin. Actually, Mankind are Created to be the best fliers among ILLH's Creations. But the wingless Mankind can only fly during a Kingdom of Heaven. The devils hid the fact that Mankind flew during the Kingdom of Heaven of Awa and Adm and the Kingdom of Heaven of Daod. The Big Flood happened just after Mankind lost their flying abilities when the first Kingdom of Heaven deteriorated. Hbl (Abel) did not walk but flew to the east and Qbl (Cain) did not walk but flew to the west when they searched for the Heaven.NOTES : Click here to watch an animation (made from clips of the Final Fantasy) of the journeys Son of Man (HSNA) made out of the 'Send me an Angel' song (the song should be titled 'Send me two Angels'). You may notice there are two YSI in the animation. Actually, there are two Queens (Gverha) of the Zion Great Kingdom of Heaven - Queen Angel YSI Anggellia and Queen Angel YSI Ilmsih. Of the two YSI, YSI Anggellia is more dangerous to the devils and would lead to the final destruction of the devils. Also, note the Amazing Wedding and the great destruction deep into the earth crust at the end of the animation (the sequent is a bit incorrect).The journeys were also made by the devils into the 'Isra Micrc night journey to the skies' of the fictitious 'male preaching Prophet' MHMD falsehood. 'Micrc' means 'sunrise' or 'eastwards', i.e. the opposite of 'mrev' which is 'sundown' or 'westward'. Wonder where the fictitious 'male preaching Prophet' get his jet plane because there was no airplane then. The "Journey on the Water" was made into the "walking on the water" of another fictitious 'male preaching Prophet', Jesus Christ. In Matthews 14, the devils also falsified the "Westward Journey on the Heaven" crossing over water (sea) into "walking on water".* 'New York' originated from 'Pekanbaru (New Town)' in the Books, just like 'Jerusalem' originated from 'SLM'. Imagine the statements in the Books that made the moron devils to built and slam two airplanes into a pair of twin towers in New York ('new town'). Seemed that they were confused with the 'new town' and the 'great city' terms in the Books. To them 'new town' and 'great city' were the same thing. 'New Town' would not be in the Journey of Doom. Padang was falsified into Capernaum and Kuala Lumpur was falsified into Nazareth in the New Testament.# 'The Heart of the Race Unity' advertisement shown on Malaysian television around the 11 September Incident showed that Malaysia is the 'Nefesh Yhudi'. The Heart of the Race Unity, Putrajaya (Armageddon), is the Yhodia devils' makeover of the Heart of Earth (Lvv ilArd) where Son of Man (HSNA) would unite all Mankind. Complete with very tall 'fruit tree to the Heaven' with a pair of 'rocket boosters' but no monkeys would want to climb it - the KLCC Twin Towers. Their Heart of the Race Unity would be destroyed into dusts.
PSALM 110 (corrected).
1 YON (ILLH) Says to my king:
"Sit my 'right hand'
until We will make your enemies
footstool for your feet#."2 YON will extend your mighty scepter from Zion;
you will rule from the (former) center of your enemy.3 Your troops will be ready
on your day of battle.
Arrayed majestically.
And at the womb of morning
you will receive the virgin beauty [ILMSIH] and the dew of your youth.4 YON has Covenanted and will not change Her mind:
"ILMSIH, you are a preacher forever,
under the saying (kata) of MLKSDQ".5 YON is with (behind) your 'right hand';
he (the 'right hand') will crush kings on the day of his wrath.6 He will execute judgment on the nations, heaping up the dead
and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.7 He will drink beside (by) the brook* on his way;
then he will lift up his head.
Images from the famous "Journey on Water" in the Books. To the left are the wooden shack stall ("Rumah Makan Ilham [Eating House of Inspirations]") and the drink mentioned in Psalm 110. In the middle is a poor local man who got free food. To the right are the 'Dumai Express 5' and 'Wavemaster 6' speed boats that brought us to the 'Eye of Zion (Singapore)'. The hotel room during the Journey was Hotel Bidadari room 110.NOTES :* 'The brook' is very important to locate the embarkation port of one of the most important journies in the Books. We can see that the devils totally erased the Second Journey (the Journey of Doom) from Psalm 110. They had also changed the Third Journey with the First Journey.# 'To heighten/promote/amplify/enhance you'.
THE YHODIA DEVILS OF EREZ ZION Probably, there are more Yhodia devils in Erez Zion than in Israel. |
"...IsraelYhodia (the gemilangs) will fall at that stumbling stone. As it is written; Behold, We lay in Sion the stumbling stone.; The Trustworthy will not be ashamed", Romans 9:32-33. " (Yhodia devils of) Israel (the gemilangs) would not get what they are after; but the Chosen one gets it. While the rest are blinded", Roman 11:7. "Out of Sion comes the Deliverer that cleanse ungodliness from the House of Ykov (Israel)", Romans 11:26. "Do not be fooled with the tricks of the Untrustworthy in your own nation", Ilqrin 3:196. "Your God does not Destroy the civilizations without first Sending a Messenger to its center (Armageddon) telling Her Words", Ilqrin 28:59. "We lay in Sion the head corner stone, elect and precious; the Trustworthy are not ashamed" 1Peter 2:6 (corrected).
Yhodia devils are devils of Yhodia descent that subscribe to the Satanic True Islam and they are NOT Mankind Israelis that normally subscribe to Judaism. These Yhodia devils are found masquerading throughout the world; usually they become leaders of nations, corporations, etc. Examples of Yhodia devils are; Megawati Sukarnoputri, George W Bush, Mahathir Mohamad, Ariel Sharon, Suharto, King Fahd, Yasser Arafat, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Anwar Ibrahim, Najib Razak, Barack Hussein Obama, Rothschild family, Ben Laden family, etc. The Yhodia devils are respected by the other devils because they are the leaders in their quests to eliminate ILLH and grab the Heaven. But probably, there are more Yhodia devils in Malaysia than in Israel. Because Tanah Melayu, not Israel, is the real Erez Zion. In Erez Zion, these Yhodia devils call themselves 'gemilang' meaning 'illumined or illuminati'.
Actually, Israel (the fake Erez Zion) was established by the devils to gather Mankind Israelis for easy annihilation before the new millennium (but they failed). While many Yhodia devils did not return to Israel but they gathered in Tanah Melayu (the real Erez Zion). Two of these Yhodia devils that gathered in Erez Zion are described in ILLH's Books - Yagog Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The Yhodia devils were very stealthy and many of them married the unsuspecting locals; producing new generations of Yhodia devils. They managed to built the Satanic Utopia city in Erez Zion, Putrajaya or("Br-yasha") in their language.
To the left is one of the Yhodia pioneers that came by the shiploads to Erez Zion, Sheikh Abdullah Fahim (Fahim is an Israeli name), while to the right are three of their many Yhodia descendants. Melayu (Zion) Mankind probably did not suspect that popular religious figure Sheikh Abdullah Fahim (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's grandfather) was not a Mankind Muslim but a Yhodia devil. Just get the old photos of his house and note the big devil symbol in front of his house. Most of the Semitic peoples that came to Erez Zion were not Mankind Arabs as they claimed, but were Yhodia devils. Well, even Saudi Arabia is ruled by these Yhodia devils without Mankind Arabs realizing it.
"... they deceived nations. But they deceived no one except them themselves, while they are not aware", Ilqrin 6:123. "The Lord with the high status and Owns the IRC Gives revelations and commands to anyone She Chooses among Her servants to remind about the Day of Assembly*", Ilqrin 40:15. The Israeli man in the left image is not an Israeli businessman nor cabinet minister but the Director General of Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM). With a person like him on top of a religious authority, the religion is a sure falsehood. The billionaire philanthropist Israeli man with the "songkok" in the right image won "the Person of the Year" of the Hijrh 1429 New Year which was themed "Menjana Ummah Gemilang" or "Toward the Growth of the Yahudi Race". The devils like to be honored by Mankind they bluffed.
Just ask Albr ('the little one" or "the Son"), the Israeli on the leftmost of the photos on the topmost right who did not complete his Br-Mitzvh, the meaning of 'Akbr', a title of Allah (great is 'kbir'). 'Akbr' means 'mouse or rat' in Simple Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew languages ("bar/br" is for small things like 'mini', "bir" is for big things like 'mega'). In Hebrew it is written like this,('akbr' in Romanized form). Also, check the meanings of 'allah', 'taala', etc in Aramaic and Hebrew languages. Or play friendly gin-rummy with some Israeli friends and listen to their curses. The peoples above are from the race that invented for Mankind a non-existent fictitious 'god' out of dead monkeys and many others, "Albr (the Son)" i.e. Jesus Christ. And later invented for Mankind another non-existent fictitious 'god', "Akbr (the Rat)" i.e. Allah.
They are in Erez Zion to carry out the main contracted activities of Satan's Dark Covenants - to eliminate ILLH and grab the Heaven. They will fall. They built the Putrajaya Utopia probably to bluff Satan that it is the Heaven that they promised to grab. The king of Satan, Azazil, had been to the Heaven and is not going to be bluffed. Building an utopia was not in the Dark Covenants. Because they are "the peoples of lost identity" that think they were gods, they built a fake "Heaven" that is not heavenly at all in Erez Zion. They are not aware that they built their "Heaven" on Earth that is about yo be Destroyed.
NOTES : * The 'Day of Assembly' mentioned was the Day of Judgment Before the World. The peoples above had been Convicted in the Judgment Handed down by ILLH on the Day of Judgment. They are just outlaws on the loose and being tracked and hunted in this world now.REMARKS : Unlike most Yhodia devils in Erez Zion, the family of Yagog Mahathir was not sponsored by Yhodia organizations (Rothschild, etc). This made Yagog Mahathir to have deep-rooted envy and hatred towards the well-pampered Yhodia devils in Erez Zion. Seems like the 'corner stone' of Mankind, the 'corner stone' of the devils is also rejected by his kind.
The Yhodia Devils' Nefesh Yhudi - Meshech."The city is split (divided) into three parts" Revelation 16:19. The Armageddon (Big War) Satanic Utopia ("fake heaven") is divided into three part called the 'MSC' - the KLCC Twin Towers, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. The Old Testament clearly stated that the Yagog would be in 'MSC' ("Meshech"). Magog Usama Laden's family got many big contracts building the Utopia. The Yhodia devils called their utopia 'the intelligent (Yhodia) garden+ city' complete with 'Dataran Gemilang (Yhodia Square)'. (+ The devils' Utopia in Babilon had a 'hanging garden' while the one in Armageddon has 'hanging towers'). The Utopia is the makeover the Heaven.
The Betel Leaf War was the work of one of the pioneer Yhodia devils who migrated to Erez Zion and its vicinity (he came from the Netherlands), "Imam Hasan" in the late 1800's. Imam Hasan pretended to be a Muslim scholar (religions were just their falsehoods) and had many ardent followers. Melayu women in Sumatra during that time liked to chew betel leaves with tobacco and spices. He issued a religious decree that chewing betel leaves was 'haram' (forbidden) punishable by death. His followers started going to the women-folk and ordered them to stop chewing betel leaves. Those refused were summarily killed, with many women killed by their own sons. This sparked a very horrible civil war, the Betel Leaf War. After a lot of peoples got killed, Imam Hasan said to the few injured left, "All of you are fools. I am a Yahudi (Yhodia) devil. All of you have been conned. Ha..ha..ha.." and disappeared. Many of his descendants became Presidents of Indonesia.
The Betel Leaf War was renamed and seldom mentioned in history books because the Yhodia devils knew that it could jeopardize their End of the World's Zion plan. The descendants of Imam Hasan (Hans Snouck Gronje) created the very devilish motto of the Republic of Indonesia, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (from many races, then one race [Yhodia])". The Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the same as the motto of the United States of America before 1956, E Pluribus Unum (click here).Notes : The location where Son of Man (HSNA) would destroy all the devils from the location of the Betel Leaf War in the 1800s.
'THE FIRST WORLD'Prior to 2005, Yhodia devil Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and other devils in Erez Zion kept bragging about 'the First World country', 'the First World Parliament', etc. To us that was the worst humiliation to Mankind ever. 'The First World' in the devils' plan is a world when ILLH is eliminated and there is no more Mankind. Only they would be in this world during 'the First World'. They stopped bragging about 'the First World' and 'True Islam' after we exposed what those words really mean. In fact, they stopped calling the Malaysian Parliament 'the First World Parliament' and instead called it 'the First Class Parliament'.Yhodia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi called 'True Islam' with a new term, 'Islam Hadhari'. 'Hadhari' is a Hebrew wordmeaning 'illumined' or 'glorious' or 'gemilang' in Bahasa Zion.
is very similar to
which means 'illumined' or 'devils from Israel (Yhodia)' (below). As the Yhodia devils in Erez Zion called themselves 'gemilang' (
), 'Islam Hadhari' is equal to 'Islam Yahudi (Yhodia)'. Of course, Islam Hadari that Abdullah practises is not the Islam Hadari he preaches. He liked the term so much that he invented an "add-on" to a falsehood (Islam) with the same name.

This website sometime uses the moniker "

The Books stated that the person who would lead his peoples to the final and everlasting Zion Great Kingdom of Heaven (Son of Man) is Mankind

Maybe Malaysians would like to try to find out the real message behind this (Abdullah's party) slogan by the Yhodia devils "Gemilang (shine or glorious or illumined) cemerlang (excel) dan terbilang (distinguished)" (answer below). In Malaysia, the Yhodia devils refer to themselves as "gemilang", the Bahasa Melayu synonym for the word they call themselves in their native Hebrew,

is "rwarwa" (right to left). As "awr" (left to right) cannot be pronounced and a word cannot end with a 'w' in Bahasa Melayu, the Yhodia devils just shifted the 'w' to the left to make "warwar" and read it left to right. Since "warwar" looked like a verb, they added "an" to make a noun out of it. But "warwaran" was bizarre, so they settled with "wawasan", defying the Bahasa Melayu grammar (derived noun does not match verb). By forcing bizarre words into others' language, the bizarre Yhodia devils were exposing themselves to some polyglot natives. The words we highlighted above ('warwar', 'haprak', etc) could have originated only from the Hebrew language. This is because those words (with similar meanings) are only found in Hebrew language and are not found in other major languages.
Mankind Israelis have nothing to do with the Yhodia devils'
Plan. In fact, in history Mankind Israelis suffered the most because of these Yhodia devils' plan. Of course, there are Yhodia devils masquerading among Mankind Israelis (it is the easiest masquerade). Just like other Mankind, Mankind Israelis do not recognize these Yhodia devils, much less know that they call themselves
. The
Satan symbol actually belongs to their race, not Mankind Israelis. Likewise, the
symbol above belongs to the devils, not Mankind. In fact, Yhodia devil Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's display of both
shows that those symbols do not belong to Mankind but to devil descendants of Satan. The left image shows Abdullah peeking at his homeland from the Golan Heights in late February 2007. His cloak prevented him from openly visiting the homeland that he missed very much, Israel (Old Testament).

REMARKS : We do not know the origin of the 'Israelis are Jawa (Jew)' falsehood (there is no region, faith or tribe called Jawa in Israel). Yagog Mahathir is a Yhodia-Kerala with possible Jawa mix. His mother (Wan Tempawan) was probably of Jawa origin (unverified). Son of Man (HSNA) is clearly a Jawa (Old Testament). And he had been falsified into a non-existent Israeli (Jesus Christ). While his homeland, Erez Zion, had been falsified into Israel.
Answer : "Dajal-dajal Yhodia cemerlang (excel) dan terbilang (distinguished)". "Gemilang (shine or glorious)" is

Munshi Abdullah (Moshe Avdalah) in early 1800's wrote about the loveliness of Erez Zion and the stupidity (keeping track of their ages using coconut trees, etc) of the peoples of Erez Zion, more probably to attract more Yhodia devils to migrate to Erez Zion*. His son also remarked that the peoples of Erez Zion were very stupid by writing "the uneducated Malay tongue always shorten the pronunciation of a word, making the educated peoples attracted to the wrong pronunciation because it has become everyday word in the glossary of a place or village or state". Of course we can see that the Moshe Avdalah family was not from "the stupid (Malay) race" but from "the intelligent (Yhodia) race". The Melayu peoples did not realize that they have been called "the stupid race" by peoples of "the intelligent race" for hundreds of years.
The Yhodia devils would be defeated by someone from the race that they completely look down in the areas of their forte - intelligence, strategic planning and world languages. But he is also "the King of Mathematics" in ILLH's Books. We can see that the Yhodia devils studied the stupidity and the language of the peoples of Erez Zion before controlling them. Prophet Melayu (Zion), the Chosen One in turn studied the stupidity and the language of the Yhodia devils before destroying them. We would witness the stupidity and the ending of these Yhodia devils who felt that their race is the Chosen and the most intelligent race in the world. The Final Battle is between Prophet Melayu (Zion) against Yahudi (Yhodia).
REMARKS : * Many Yhodia devils migrated to Erez Zion after his writings were published in Europe. If you understand the devils' 'grammar', you surely know that the Avdalah family were not Mankind but Yhodia devils. Like all other devils, they did not subscribe to any visible faiths. Moshe Avdalah died in Jeddah, Arabia and wrote 'Kitab Injil al-kudus daripada Tuhan Isa al-Masih [the Holy Bible from God Jesus the Messiah]' (publication : Singapore 1856).
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