It is unacceptable not to speak of the system of the Mahdi when the activities of the system of the dajjal are talked about every day
According to the information in the hadiths, the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as), the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the coming of the dajjal will all take place at the same time.
The Hijri 1400s are the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as). Our Prophet (saas) said that Hazrat Mahdi (as) would begin work in Hijri 1400. The dajjal, the negative power opposed to the system of the Mahdi will also be at work as of Hijri 1400:
A most significant event has taken place at the beginning of every century since the world was created. AT THE BEGINNING OF ONE CENTURY [Hijri 1400] THE DAJJAL WILL APPEAR AND Jesus (as), son of Maryam will descend to Earth and make him ineffective. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 90) |
The system of the dajjal and the Mahdi are around in the present day, one active as a negative force and the other positive. It is therefore essential that the systems of the dajjal and the Mahdi be kept on the agenda. The conflicts, fighting, anarchy and terror everywhere in the world are proof that the system of the dajjal is in charge. The activities and work of the system of the dajjal are described every day in the newspapers and on the television. Everyone hears about the cruel activities of the system of the dajjal that inflict suffering every day and the scourges it causes. It is essential, when propaganda for the activities of the negative force is being made every day, for the activities of the positive force, the system of the Mahdi, to be described every day. It is unacceptable not to mention the system of the Mahdi while the system of the dajjal is active and at work every day. It is unacceptable to say, “I don’t want to hear about the system of the Mahdi, don’t tell me.” That is equivalent to saying, “let the oppression of the system of the dajjal continue, it is no concern of ours.” It is equivalent to saying, “Let the blood of Muslims be spilled, let terror escalate, let our soldiers and police be martyred, let there be conflicts, it is no concern of ours.” The more intense the system of the dajjal, the more intensely the system of the Mahdi must be kept on the agenda. The system of the dajjal has begun escalating, but the system of the Mahdi is growing in the same way.
The Dajjal Incites Anarchy and Terror
The increasing violence in the world, the torture, anarchy, wars, conflicts, slaughter, oppression and state and organized terror all show that the dajjal is at work and directing this corruption. The dajjal is now literally showing off with its power, working day and night. It is unacceptable, when the system of the dajjal is so active, shedding blood across the world, inflicting terror on Turkey, not to concentrate on the force that is opposed to it, the system of the Mahdi, and that will put an end to the system of the dajjal. The system of the Mahdi that opposes the system of the dajjal must be maintained on the agenda.
It is revealed in hadiths how there will be a rise in death and disorder, how these will wrack the whole world, when the system of the dajjal is at work:
(At that time) There will be much CORRUPTION, DISORDER AND REBELLION, and people will KILL ONE ANOTHER. People will take their own lives and the world will be filled with sorrow. The accursed dajjal will appear at such a troubled time... (Ash-Sharani, Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 482) |
The system of the dajjal is the reason for:
Translation of the clippings:
At a time when the world will be in utter confusion and disorder, when murders and tribulation appears... when roads will be cut, when some attack some others... (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 454) |
He said: “The Day of Judgment will draw nigh, good deeds will be lacking, people will adopt excessive parsimony and greed, and there will be much turmoil.” The companions asked, “What is turmoil?”“Killing, killing!” replied the Prophet (saas). (Bukhari, Vol. 13, p. 6023) |
In the Qur’an, Allah has revealed the existence of people who create confusion and damage order, who organize evil and who constantly seek to incite war. In one verse it is stated that:
... … Each time they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it. They rush about the earth corrupting it. Allah does not love corrupters. (Surat Al-Ma’ida, 64) |
The dajjal is the leading representative of this immorality. He uses violence, terror and anarchy as weapons of oppression in order to create greater bloodshed. In other hadiths it is reported that killing will increase in the End Times, and that wars incited by the dajjal will lay waste all places:
There is no place in which the dajjal will not vanquish armies.. (Muslim, Vol. 8, p. 500) |
The tactics employed by the dajjal to spread anarchy and terror
In his works, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi explained the tactics employed by the dajjal to spread anarchy and terror. Bediuzzaman tells us that:
The great dajjal will prepare the way for ANARCHY and Gog and Magog by damaging the unificatory elements that manage the social lives of Christians through the indoctrination of satan and eliminating the stipulations of Christianity…By seeking to eradicate one eternal part of the law of Muhammad (Qur’anic moral values imparted by the Prophet (saas)) using earthly desires and satanic deceptions, he will seek to dissolve such radiant chains as respect and compassion by leaving people at the mercy of obstinate, drunken and random earthly desires; HE WILL PRODUCE AN INTENSE ANARCHY BY CREATING A COMPULSORY AND OPPRESSIVE FREEDOM for people to attack one another in the swamp of their earthly passions, AT THAT TIME THOSE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE TAKEN UNDER CONTROL BY MEANS OF ANY OTHER WAY OTHER THAN A SEVERE OPPRESSION..(Rays of Light, p. 592) |
Bediuzzaman describes how the dajjal will achieve this objective:
1. By causing people to follow their earthly desires
.. By seeking to eradicate one eternal part of the law of Muhammad (Qur’anic moral values imparted by the Prophet (saas)) using earthly desires and satanic deceptions …
As the Master indicates, the dajjal will cause people to turn away from implementing religious moral values. He will inculcate the idea of following their earthy desires rather than their consciences.
2. By eliminating respect and compassion among people
...By damaging the physical and spiritual unificatory elements of human life and dissolving such radiant chains as respect and compassion by leaving people at the mercy of obstinate, drunken and random desires.
The devotion, willingness to assist others, affection, compassion, love and modesty, elements of the moral values commanded by Allah are factors that strengthen people physically and spiritually, bind them together, and establish order and solidarity in society. The dajjal will damage this order by means of indoctrination that eliminates these elements. The Master is indicating this here.
3. By keeping people under pressure
...He will produce an intense anarchy by creating a compulsory and oppressive freedom for people to assault one another in the swamp of earthly passions, at that time those people can not be taken under control by any means of any other way other than a severe oppression…
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