Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Muslims admire Hitler more than he did them

by Zurairi AR on July 26, 2010

Al-Husayni propaganda poster

Was it true that Hitler admired Islam, and was he inspired by the Quran to exterminate Jews?

You might have heard of Godwin’s Law, the tongue-in-cheek law that predicts all debates on the internet will in the end boil down to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Usually, it will be the final argument against atheism: many have claimed that Nazism rejects religions, and thus, the Holocaust was an atheist crime.
Most recently, a chain letter has been making rounds among Malays on the internet, which claims to be a translation of an email from Saudi Arabia and promise the “real truth” behind Hitler. Like all chain letters, no one can (or has even tried to) prove its accuracy, much less the authenticity of its origin.
According to the “letter”, the Führer himself was an admirer of Islam. By the end of it, you could be fooled into believing that Hitler killed the Jews for good reasons, and he did it for Islam. As a response to this chain letter, many closet Jew-hating Muslims have come out, holding this as proof that Hitler’s genocide should be applauded.
The claims laid out in the chain letter are:
  1. Hitler and the Nazis are singled out for their crimes against humanity (as opposed to the British, the Japanese and the white South Africans in their many wars/apartheid) because:
    i. Hitler was against the Jewish State
    ii. Hitler admired the Islamic reign
  2. Hitler printed out pamphlets on Islam to be read by his troops
  3. Hitler let his Muslim troops complete their prayers, and even waited until the jemaah prayers in Berlin Square finished before delivering his speech
  4. Hitler had met many times Muslim scholars to learn about Islam and the Prophet’s apostles to learn how to rule
  5. Hitler asked Muslim clerics to pray for his troops to give them strength to kill Jews
The “author” of this chain letter also purported that he did some research on the internet, and found out these supposedly surprising facts:
  1. Hitler’s speech quoted the Quran
  2. The name of Allah is used in an oath for Hitler’s army graduates
  3. Hitler did not drink alcohol
When I ran some searches and consulted my history buff friend Zuhairy Fauzy, what I found was cause for a laughter, for they were unexpected. A number of Muslims take pride in Hitler’s righteous ways and crusade against the Jews, while at the same time some Christians are touting this as proof that Muslims were Hitler’s accomplices and are supporters of genocide.
Two sides of the same coin, none quite right themselves, but both totally shallow and inane in their manipulations of each other’s religions.
While the Muslims believed that Hitler had consulted Muslims, the Christians are claiming that it was proof of Muslims associating themselves with Hitler, and this was a precursor to jihad.
The truth is actually somewhere in between.
If the Muslims who easily swallowed these lies had even done the slightest of searches on the net, they will find out the real story behind those photos.
Yes, they are all real and were never photoshopped, but they were taken so far out of context. The photos were not taken over a very long period and involved a lot of Muslims scholars. Rather, they were taken sometime in 1941, and only involved one name: Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (also spelt al-Husseini).
Al-Husayni was an Arab Nationalist, and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem between 1921 and 1948. He was against the formation of a Jewish State and tied himself with the Axis Power during World War II.
It is not a secret that Al-Husayni and Hitler have met, but only once and certainly not for the reasons claimed by the Muslims. Throughout the War, Al-Husayni fleed Jerusalem and seeked asylum in various pro-German and fascist countries. In exile, Al-Husayni claimed to be a leader of a secret Arab nationalist movement, and requested for audiences with Mussolini and Hitler.
He was received by Hitler on November 20, 1941. During this meeting, Hitler stressed that “when the hour of Arab liberation comes, Germany has no interest there other than the destruction of the power protecting the Jews”, which was agreed upon by Al-Husayni.
During the war, the Mufti stayed in Berlin as a self-appointed representative of the Arab nations’ support of the Axis Powers, spreading Axis propaganda into the Arab world. After a visit to Bosnia in 1941, he even convinced Muslim leaders of a need for a SS (Nazi army) division staffed by Muslims for the interest of Islam. A few thousands Bosnians voluntered in various divisions of Waffen-SS, the largest being the 13th “Handschar” division. This was the Muslim soldiers seen in the photos.
In short, they were not exactly Muslim German soldiers. They were Muslims recruited by Germany.
Bosnian soldiers reading Nazi propaganda
This was not Islamic pamphlets read by German soldiers. This was Nazi propaganda read by Bosnian Nazi soldiers. It was titled “Islam and Judaism”.
Bosnian soldiers praying
This was Bosnian Nazi soldiers praying, but Hitler was nowhere near them.
Hitler receives al-Husayni
This was not Hitler meeting a Muslim scholar to learn about Islam. This was al-Husayni meeting Hitler in 1941 to ask for recognisation and sympathy for the Arab nations.
If any, Hitler never asked Muslims anything. It was al-Husayni who asked for Hitler’s audience.
On the claims found on the internet, none can be proven.
However, it’s a historical fact that German army never quite reached Moscow, they never conquered the city due to ferocious Soviet resistance. Hitler never made any speech in Moscow. He never even stepped foot in the city in all his life. Unless my history is patchy, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920s, two decades before the Battle of Moscow.
Hitler was not only a teetotaler, he was also a vegetarian. However, we never heard anyone claiming Hitler was a Hindu have we? In fact, Hitler even used a swastika for Nazi’s logo! This is an exercise in logical fallacies, none of the fact was relevant with claims that Hitler admired Islamic teachings.
If there was ever any proof that Hitler admired Islam, it is in this substantiated quote:
“When the Mohammedans attempted to penetrate beyond France and into Central Europe during the eight century when they were driven back at battle of Tours.  Had the Arabs won this battle, the world would be Mohammedan today.  For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. The Germanic people would have become heirs to that religion.  Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament.”  Adolf Hitler quoted by Albert Speer, from Inside the Third Reich, page 96.
Hitler admired Islam for its warlike nature and bloodlust. How do you find that pride now?
Regardless of Hitler’s relationship with Islam, to sympathise with Hitler and legitimise his persecution of Jews is an atrocious trait and downright spiteful.
Related posts:
  1. My tribute to the great man, Adolf Hitler
  2. Nazism and Islam: An Analytical Addendum to “Muslims admire Hitler more than he did them”
  3. Muslims party on despite religious crackdown
  4. Doctor Claims Vaccines Encourage More Sex
  5. Religion Can Never be About Facts, Says Raja Petra

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